Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

So, to get the ball rolling, I thought I would start by sharing my Twitter ID.
Personally, I'm @farhan, but for more geneology, heritage, and family oriented tweets you're better off following me at @MyHeritageUK

What's your Twitter ID? And what do you tweet about?

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Couldn't find you? I am mdiane_rogers on Twitter.
There is a MacGenealogist too though (Ben Sayer).
@scgsgenealogy - I tweet about the Southern California Genealogical Society and our annual conference, the Genealogy Jamboree.
I twitter, mostly about things I find interesting related to genealogy and history. I do lot of research in Indiana, so naturally I put records online for Indiana. I'm a real fan of FindAGrave, and puts lots of records on there. Currently I am working on Morgan County, Indiana cemeteries. My id: @darlinashaw
Hi, My twitter id is mritasdotter.

I am researching my maternal great grandparents Joseph A & Salina Polzin (Joseph A's parents were Peter Polzin & Anna Schulz)(all German/Prussian/Polish origin). Joseph A & Salina Polzin were grandparents to my mother mary rita (polzin) anderson, on her father's side. (brick wall)

on my mother's mother's side my Vasher ( my great grandfather was Mitchell Vasher) ancestors are back to the 1700's.

My great grandmother Catherine (Livernois) Vasher was the daughter of Etienne(Stephen) Livernois, whose ancestors trace back to the 1600s & Julia Angelique(Riopelle)Livernois, whose 16th century ancestor Zacharie Cloutier (1590-1677) was my 9th greatgrandfather. i would love to communicate with others from the Vasher, Livernois, Riopelle, Cloutier lines.

(My father's ancestors all came from Sweden & i have many of the names, whic changed from generation to generation)

i have joined some twitter groups, but i dont really understand twitter very much, and am not sure how to use it for genealogy
mary rosaire anderson
My Twitter ID is @savingstories. I tweet about family history resources, preserving family history, and social networks for genealogy.
@southwestarkie genealogy, cemeteries, usgenweb, my genealogy society, volunteer work
Hi im @rickstwits, doing research on the paternal Archer line and the maternal Haddow line. Names are Archer, Edmunds, Fiori, Cartwright, Haddow, McEachern, Young, Lamont(d).
Having fun and liking what i do.
MacArthur Genealogy Services - @macgeneserv
I have just started experimenting with Twitter for genealogy / family history. I am particularly interested in finding out how people use Twitter in conjunction with their genealogy blogs. I'm @JudyQld.
The real promise of Twitter is its capacity to be readily incorporated as a "live feed" window into our blog, see This feature has the advantage of giving the blog an extra "on-message" immediacy that a mere Facebook dialogue doesn't achieve in quite the same way.
I also have a fondness for a Twitter-Facebook monitoring stream application called "Tweetdeck" (, that facilitates a "live" overview of an array of "tweet" categories, such as "#genealogy", "#archives" "#familyhistory" and my "favourite" tweeters.
All of these social media tools feed into an astonishing stream of genealogy industry news, views and cross-promotional information that can easily absorb your attention, while keeping you on your toes.
Follow my tweets won't you, at @garrisonau



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