Genealogy Wise

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I live in Minot, North Dakota, though we'll be moving to Fargo in July. I was wondering if there were other Dakotans out there and how you dealt with being so geographically isolated for doing genealogy (unless you have a lot of Dakotan ancestors). My ancestors come mostly from Maryland and Connecticut, though my wife's family has come through Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa.

I've taken six Institute courses so far, and am working towards the American Records Certificate. I'm registered to start the Boston University certificate course in January 2016 and have signed up for the waiting list for a ProGen study group. I recently completed a GenProof study group working through Thomas Jones's Mastering Genealogical Proof.

My goal is to become a professional genealogist and I would like to develop special expertise in the Northern Plains, especially North Dakota, South Dakota, and MInnesota.

Gary are you familiar with the surname Zweerink?

No, I can't say I am. Where is it from?

Many, many moons ago (34 yrs.), I began doing genealogy as a high school junior. My history teacher said, "The best way to learn history is to learn your own!" Beginning with about 75 names my research has grown to over 70,000 people, with several historical figures. All of this research has led to finally gaining a Bachelor's degree in History. Now, I'm hoping to teach the subject of History to the next generation, as a secondary teacher.

Where are your Johnsons from?

Actually, there are two Johnson lines in particular. You see, my Grandfather married my Grandmother (her maiden name was Johnson too). On my Direct line, I'm stuck with my 4th GGF James Johnson (1774-1860), never knew his wife or parents (still searching). On my Grandmother's line, I can trace it back to David Johnson (1312-1350) and Emily Cook (1320-1351), they would be the Grandparents of William Johnson, Mayor of Stamford (1360-).

Thanks, I just wondered if they were Canadian and/or Scots by any chance. My Johnson ancestors might be Johnston from Scotland to Canada. I've seen the name as Johnson/Johnston/Johnstone.

Hi. I began family research because my grandfather said he was raised on an Indian reservation and that his grandmother was "full-blood" Cherokee. He's long passed, but I'm still trying to research his line. They come from Georgia, so far. Based on surnames alone, my lines appear English and Irish. I'm researching Brown, Jones, Hopkins, Steele, Dean, and on my husband's side, Ledingham and Holt.
My 2nd great grandfather, William Brown, has been located in the 1880 Buckhead, Fulton, Georgia census. But before and after, I'm struggling. And, either his wife flip-flopped names from Margarett to Celia Amanda, to Maggie, or he had two different wives. However, by the time I find Celia, she's listed as mother, not step-mother. I have Maggie's obit and death cert. Still plugging away. It's been an on and off hobby thru the years, but I'm more dedicated now that kids are older.

Keep working it, Kim. With more and more records being released online, you're sure to come across the ones that pertain to your family. I'm still trying to find my 5th great-grandfather's 'paper trail'. He's all but fallen off the genealogical map. Makes me wonder if he had a falling out with the rest of his family or what? But, since I've only recently (in the last couple of years) made the connection to this particular family my paternal grandfather always said we were related to, I'm still 'new' in this search.

Good luck on your journey!

Any chance that is a "Mayflower" Hopkins line?  What was your grandfather's name?  Was this reservation in Georgia?

I'm connected to the "Mayflower" Hopkins line! I descend by way of Constance Hopkins.

Damaris Hopkins for me



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