Genealogy Wise

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I can relate. My grandfather was 2 yrs. old when his father died. His mother put her 3 sons in an orphanage and she lived in the Widows' Home. She remarried 2 yrs. later. I was surprised when I found out there were 3 boys instead of 2. My father and his brother never knew that or anything else about their father's family.

It is slow work but you will be amazed what you can find out there.


I have researched my hubbys family for many years-cat and mousy like.  I love to find more pieces to this puzzle but I just started on my own family because they were in Texas I didn't think I could do much.  Then I learned that before they were in Texas they were in West (by God) VA. which before the civil war was aka-VA! whoot whoot!  I live in small rural area not far from Lexington-I love our history.  We are a blessed nation of a melting pot-I am so enamored of the ingrediants that make us today what we are! :)

I live in a suburb of Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN USA.  I am looking for my great-great grandparents.  I know my great-grandfather was named Nikolaus Verner Andersson and his wife was Kristina Svensson (my grandfather Arthur W. Anderson's parents).  I am positive of their birthdates and death dates - Also they are buried at Odensaker Parish, by Skovde, Vestergotland, Sweden.

Nikolaus Verner Andersson b. 25 January 186l in Ryd, Skovde, Sweden died 7 May 1945. Kristina Svensson Anderson b 20 December 1863 ( birth place unknown) died 14 Jan 19ll ,(Place unknown, maybe Vamb because that's where their daughter Tyra was born in 1901. ) marriiage date to Nikolaus Verner Anderson 30 March 1886.

Their children were: Arthur Werner Anderson (my grandfather) born 22 April 1888 in Minneapolis, MN, USA. died 20 April 1937 in Minneapolis, MN USA .My great grandparents went to America in 1886 and went back to Sweden in 1900 to live Then at the age of 16 Arthur W. Anderson returned to Minneapolis, MN USA 

 Ernst Elias Anderson born 1891 in Minneapolis, MN,USA died 1977 died in Sweden , probably in Ryd, Skove, Sweden  (Stayed in Sweden)

Charley Anderson b 1898 in born in White Rock, South Dakota, USA died 09 Feb 1890 in Minneapolis, MN. (lived in Sweden from 1900 - 1917.  Then went to live in USA by older brother, my grandfather Arthur W. Anderson)

Also I know they had two daughters born in Sweden AFTER they returned to Sweden, one in 1901 Tyra Kristina Anderson b.13 Jan 1901 died at 22 years on 27 Oct, 1923 and buried, I think at Per. Larsgarden.  Also a daughter was Hildur Margareta Andersson b 20 April 1904 and died 30 Jul 1904, about three months and 10 days later.  

What makes this so difficult for me is that Nikolaus Verner Anderson and his wife Kristin Svensson Anderson went BACK to Sweden in 1900 and stayed there until their death.(Nicholas Verner and his son, Ernst  Elias Andersson did visit USA at least twice each from 1906 - 1947.)   and that's why they are buried in Odensaker, Parish.  I'm only positive that Nicholas Verner Anderson is buried at Odensaker Parish under the name of Verner Anderson.

I would like to take my genealogy back up more generation to my great-great grandparents. I  would really appreciate any help.    Thanks.


Well, you are lucky. You know which Parish to begin looking at. It would do you good to obtain the book entitled: "Your  Swedish Roots" - you can get it on Amazon - it will help you read the Parish Records. Also, Genline or the world subscription to will be extremely helpful. There is another one that I get ads for that run free weekends called ArkivDigital.

Also important is to find the immigration and emigration information  and sources.

Enjoy  the journey!



  My name is george and i too have ancesters from Sweden.If you come across anyone with Family from the Kopparberg area please give them adress.Pehrson is the family name in Sweden.His wife was Anna Stina Larsdotter.

  Thank you.

Hi, my name is Angela Rios. I am currently searching for my great grandmother's history. Her maiden name is Alta May Clayton. She is married to Herman Spitsen. I need to know more about her parents and her life before marriage, and where they came from. I have been able to trace the Spitsens to Sweden through the Parish records. I would like to find most if not all of my relatives as far back as I can  go. She is a mystery to me and not sure where to  start. I have looked through her census records and newspapers for clues.... I am also on Would like to hear from Claytons... I think her father's name was  John Clayton and mother's name Christine Hansen. Dad said her parents were German?



Hi, I'm Rothko Hauschildt. My background is almost entirely German; farmers and blacksmiths mainly. People on both my father's and mother's sides came from the "Altes Land" just southwest of Hamburg along the Elbe River. I was lucky enough to go there in 2006 and I got a ton of information from the old men in the villages who'd done work on everybody's genealogy in the village whether or not they were even related. It was really great.

Currently I'm looking for my great-great-grandfather, John POST. He was born in Neidenburg, Prussia, which is now known as Nidzica, Poland. Can't find his birth info anywhere; Neidenburg is a city but also the name of a "Kreis" or county, sorta. So I'm looking at multiple villages, probably. ALSO there's a family rumor that he was born under a different name and something happened which resulted in him living with a Post family and taking the name. My grandmother is the only living relative on that side and she says it was something like "Rexie" (Rechse? who knows) but she's really not interested in all the old stuff so if she ever knew it she's probably forgotten. Sigh.

Hi !

I live in Sweden not far from Gothenborg and have been "digging" in our family history since 1970. There is a lot of names in my database now, about 8400, and I hope to fill it with some more names and facts after I got member in this site. 

Hi Bertil and welcome.

  My ancestors were from the Kopparberg area. If i can help ,give me a shout.

Hello Veda,
My name is Karen and my Grandmother's maiden name is Asher, her father John Richard Asher married to Eliza Bunny. They were from PA. Any information would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you Al!



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