Genealogy Wise

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By pasting for help in here, will save the communication box from clogging up and those that can help will then look in here and contact the inquirer.and while we are at why don't we make a look up folder for each state.


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Wow you sure know ho wto find stuff lol Actually I think the 2 people with Rose as surnames may have been my ancestors on my mums side so that was soemthing.
I am just finding William Slow and enigma at the moment.
I know who he married all their kids but cant find where he was born or died I am hoping that at some time I will meet someone who is from the same family and we will be able to come up with something.
I actually wonder if maybe the Slow name was shortened from something else.I will keep digging but thanks for you help.
On another note I have also come unstuck searching on my Miller side and really dont think much more can be found.I have a feeling that said Miller greatgrand dad may have been born illegitantly after his mothers husband had passed away 3 years earlier and she used the name Miller still.Where would be the best place to search ? I have done BDM and thats where I found the info I have now.And I also heard that many people coming from Germany changed their name from the german spelling to the English is that true?
I dont know about that but all I do is look down upon it and work from there.
I blanket search heaps and when I find something of interest I book mark it hence 2 terebyte hard drives and another one on the way.
But I can tell you I too pull my hair out at times, when that happens I just get up and do something else, other wise the brain goes into over drive and not think straight or you become too tied and like most people "oh no I didnt save it" before turning off but when that happens I get my guru son to retrieve it.

The SLOW name could be spelt SLOWE, SLOEW they spelt as it sounded in those days.

I have some where I think a lot of NSW cemeteries listings site - it could be any where.

On name changing you could be right but most kept their names such as mine "Aufderheide" and have found nearly 10 variations of the name in BDMs because the Auf was also Off / der was de / heide was hide or ide, we now only 1 more to find and that will finish that chapter n start another one and that will be hard as it is a Jackson, its like having the name Smith.
I have always found a lot of answers here: just follow the instructions
you could get some answers or you may not but book mark it you just never know.
was glad to help, to me this is what it is all about helping those that need some sort of help to get them that little bit further in their searching and having a massive site such as this does bring results
I will leave the attachments for a day then delete them

Thanks so much again was able to see my hubbys family there even tho his side is all done its still fun to see their names and know who they are.
Time to bump this back to the top of the list of discussions
Sounds good to me thanks
I'm looking for the death and burial of Arthur Ronald Law and his wife Ida Margaret Law. Both after 1985, both probably in Victoria, supposedly near Pakenham. I can't find them at Pakenham cemetery, or on any of the obvious data bases, can some kind soul help please?

I cannot find a marriage between my Great Grand Parents, William Barton and Annie Davies. William Barton was a Coal Miner and probably travelled around the country with his work. He must have met his future Wife in Wales. My Father and his Brother were sure that she came from Treherbert in the Rhondda Valley. I went there in 1996 to see if I could any trace of her, sadly I could not find any evidence of this. I cannot find where my Great Grandfather William Barton was born either. Also my Grandmother Mary Jane, possibly known as Jane Barton, who married my Grandfather Frank Hilton on the 29th August. 1903 when she was 24 years old, which would mean that she was born about 1879. Her Death Certificate states that she was 51 years old in 1928 This would mean tht she was born in 1877. Still cannot find her birth place. I know that William Barton's children did settle in an around Barnsley, Yorkshire. All his sons went into the mines. Unfortunately the living relatives do not have any family informatiom which could help me with my research. Can you help? Barbara (nee Hilton) Diveney
Hi Barbara
I've attached a Word Doc for you to look at hope it helps in your searching.

Hi Wayne

Thank you for your response to my message re my Barton Ancestors. Some of the information is relevant and will try and follow up with the rest.

Barbara Diveney
Bumping this to the top again
I am looking for information on what happened to Jesse Higgins born 1802 in Kent, England after he arrived in NSW Australia on the Lloyds convict boat in July 1837. I cannot as yet find a death record for a Jesse Higgins when I have looked for example.

Can anyone either help or point me in the right direction?

Hi Bev of all blanket searches I have made via my conections for Jesse all I got was this:

THE undermentioned Prisoners of the Crown
have obtained Tickets of Leave since the last day
of publication, viz :-
Hough James, junior, Surry 5 ; Higgins Jesse,
Lloyds ; M'Reevor Francis, Elphinstone ; Reilly
Terence, Middlesex ; Syron Thomas, Forth 3.
Prin. Sup. of Convicts' Office,
Sydney, 13th August, 1845
he is also listed in the NSW archives under convicts Here

hope this is assistance to you



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