Genealogy Wise

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I am trying to get hold of any or all of Census records  after 1911, does any one where or how i can get hold of these

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Most countries have a legal limit on how recent censuses will be available.  In the US, it is 72 years, so 1940 has just become available.  Censuses through 1930 are available through and some other sites, most of which are pay-for-view but often public libraries have access at the library which is free to their users.  Also, microfilm access to the censuses can be had by renting a film at a Family History Center of the LDS.

  In England, censuses from 1921 to the present will not be available until 100 years after the census date, hence the next available census, 1921, won't be open to the public until 2021.

  Canadian law "allows for the release of census records for the years from 1910 to 2003 once 92 years have elapsed after collection of the data. The legislation restricts the scope of access to genealogical purposes and historical research. The statute provides for unlimited access to census records 112 years after the data had been collected" so 1921 won't be available until 2013. 



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