Genealogy Wise

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Why I use Apple computers especially for genealogy

t is about time to explain why I use Apple computers for genealogy and
all the rest of my computing. The obvious first question is why waste
time/money/frustration with using a computer to do Windows 7 in
emulation when I can be a "just as fast" PC for less money? The
beginning response is that the Quad Core i5 iMac is a lot
faster than even I need for my thousands of graphic files, videos, audio
files and etc. But the real answer is that our family does graphics. My
wife runs a graphic design company, I do huge composite 360 degree
photographs and we are in the processing of digitizing literally tens of
thousands of family history documents. If you add up all the options
you need to do that level of graphics easily on a PC you can spend 50%
or more than an Apple iMac. So granted, I am not your usual
computer user and besides I really like Apple's OS X series of operating
systems for the same reason I use FireFox instead of Microsoft Explorer
and the same reason I like Google and not Bing.

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