Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Memorable Family Treasures

One of the nicest gifts that our families can leave us is pictures of themselves, places they have been and other family members, such as group photos. Sometimes all three are in one photograph.

How many pictures do you possess that do not have a name, date or a place written on the back of the photo? If your family is like my family, you probably have quite a few. I inherited a boxful of such pictures. Some of the faces are familiar, some I recognize but don’t know the location, but many I have no clue as to when, where, or who they are.

I discussed this topic with my mother several times before she became ill and passed away. I regret that we never made it a priority to get together and actually look through the pictures. If you know of orphan photographs in a box or a drawer in your family, I suggest you make a pointed attempt to give them, names, dates and locations.

If such photos are in your home, you can make it a family event for a rainy day. (I live in Oregon where it rains a lot.) If you don’t own them, but know of them in another family member’s home, you could suggest a fun family gathering where everyone could bring their orphan photos. What better way to figure out who, where and when, than with every one present to help remember the missing data. Not only will this help your genealogy research, but it could be a day of your own family memories and bonding. What could be better than to share these memories the children in your family? To make it more interesting, ask each family to bring a favorite snack or beverage using old family recipes.

~ Linda A. Forest ~

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