Genealogy Wise

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My family is from Odensaker, Parish by Skovde, Vestergotland, Sweden. I would like to verify information I have on my ggf.  He is buried, I believed under Verner Anderson.  His name was really Nikolaus Verner Anderson b.25 January 1861 d. 7 May 1945.  His wife was Kristina Svenson b 20 Dec 1863 d  (I think, 14 Jan 19ll) location ?________, Sweden. Verner had 3 sons, my grandfather Arthur W. Anderson, Charley Anderson, and Ernst Elias Anderson .b.1891 in USA, died 1976 in Skovde, or Pavalstorp, Frosve, Sweden  Ernst, and his wife Hannah had two sons who stayed in Sweden .Ernest did visit Minnesota two times but always went back to his wife, Hannah, and two sons even though Ernst Elias was born in Minnesota. Hannah wanted to stay in Sweden with her family.   Nicholas Verner and Kristina Anderson lived in USA from 1886 - 1900  Verner and Kristina went back to Sweden in 1900 because Christina's parents needed their help.  My 2nd cousins are Ernst Ingmar Anderson b 23 Sept 1923, d 13 June 2008 and Nils Henry Anderson b 31 August 1921 and d 24 May 2000.  Are these two sons buried at Odensaker or Ryd (Skovde, Sweden?)  Is there any way to find out Nikolaus Verner Anderson and his wife Christine Anderson's parents' names so I can take this research back one more generation.  After Christina died, my ggf remarried and moved 300 miles away.  Who was his 2nd wife? Verner had to be in his 50's when he remarried, but that doesn't mean he could not have fathered other children with a younger wife. (I know he remarried after 1916 because he declared himself still a widower in 1916. As far as I know all my Andersons who moved to America went to live in Minnesota.  Those that stayed back in Sweden lived in Vestergotland close to Varing, Skovde, Ryd, Vamb (all in Vestergotland.) I would be VERY appreciative if you could help me. Thank you very much.  Tack sa mycket.

I have been to Sweden 5 times and feel very much at home there.  I speak a little Swedish and can read quite a bit.  I need to practice more oral Swedish.  I don't think too fast in Swedish LOL.  The last address I have for Ernst Ingemar (who went by Ingemar because his father was Ernst) was PL 8209 Ryd, 54191 Skovde, Sweden.  He lived there until he died in 2000.

Greetings from New Jersey!

I was born in Des Moines, Iowa, adopted as an infant, and have very little information on my biological parents. See

The results of my DNA test just came in. I used the GENO kit, which is more expensive, and so far, doesn't seem as good as some of the competition. My maternal haplogroup is H3as, and paternal I-P109. I'm 47% Northern European, 34% Mediterranean, 17% SW Asian (I suppose that means Middle East), 2.0 % Neanderthal and 1.1% Denisovan. That's pretty much all the data they've given me.

I have also done a lot of research on my adopted parents' ancestors. About 100 years ago, they all lived within 10 miles of Chelsea, Iowa.

I am the coordinator of the Tama County, Iowa IAGenWeb page.

I am retired, but formerly a math professor and radar engineer. Now I write science and science fiction, and dabble in astronomy and genealogy.

I am on facebook and also have a blog that has been dormant for a few months. Too many projects to keep up with!

Hello My name is Robert Wolford, and im documenting my family history, Ive worked the Wohlfarts all the way back to Johan Adam which arrived in Philadelphia in Aug of 1750. Im attempting to tie him to the Wohlfahrts of the Neckar valley region of Germany.

I live in Mobile al. I am looking for my grandfathers family. I have hit a dead end hoping i can get help here. My family comes from the Gadsden al area. My mothers father was a Jones and her  mother was a Jones. The only thing I know is my grandfathers name was Paul Opesaley Jones. He had an Aunt named Ethel and a sister named Lilian.  He marring my grandmother and had 2 girls, Barbara and Bonnie. I have been on My heritage and I need help if any of you have any ideas let me know

Cheri, Jones is like  Smith very hard to know whos who and how they are all related. Have you tried Its free but you might want to get an account which is also free ofcouse.

 I know that the Indexers are doing a lot of records Marriages Births and Deaths for your State.

Thanks Kathleen, I know and it doesn't help that my grandparents were 5th cousins. I am probably related to every Jones in Alabama in some way



Hello, my name is Dori, I live in Florida, and most of my lineage is here in the South: VA, NC, SC, GA and Florida.  What I have found out about my lineage is that about 90% of my known names were here in America before it was America! The other 10% I have hit walls, and intend to break through them with patience and persistence.  I am becoming convinced that anyone whose family has been in the South for any length of time is related to any other Southern family, by blood or marriage or neighbors.  I recently found out that my daughter and her future husband (now married) were related.  Haha!  My wedding gift to them.  :-] 

My brick walls are McKinney, Sineath, Davis, Isom, DuPree, Powell, Harkins (all those in SC), Knight (GA>FL):  my husbands line is still new for me, but in general, researching Lloyd, Register, Truitt, Snell, (all in the South), and Miner, Dowd, Burbeck, Drum, Whitehead (North).

So excited for this group!  Dori Emerson Lloyd  :-]


My name is Joe and I have been researching since 1995 when my Parents passed away. My mother lines were BOYETT and IVES and my Father GARCIA and GOMEZ, at least thats where I started. I have strong lines from the New England states and the deep south.

Hello everyone. I came across the site quite by accident a couple of weeks ago. Not having allot of free time on my hands leaves me being only an amateur genealogist. I have been researching my family lines for years ,off and on again. I have met some wonderful people along the way, many of whom I have kept in touch with ,some have become good friends as well as newly found relatives. I found that there actually was a considerable amount of information already available online by people researching the same lines. They have taken the line back to Ireland in the 1600's. Wonderful to know! Except that one troubling 5th great grandfather, Higgins Cremeans. I have found 3 ,or is it 4, fathers listed for him. So, my research came to a screeching halt. Even though some find it "ok" to add these findings to their family trees I simply cannot. To me it seems I would be following a family line that I could not truthfully say was mine. I cannot find valid documentation of a father for this man. Not one thing to tie him directly to any one person. He also seems to be the only child of a long line of family members that thought having 12 or more children was the norm. Did I mention that they all seemed to keep naming their children the same thing? Oh, and that my paternal grandmother and my paternal grandfather come from this same man only through 2 separate marriages, generation or 2 apart of course. Can anyone here give me any ideas of what I should do next? I love genealogy, it's fascinating. But, how do I get over or around this brick wall??

Rhonda, Ive seen the name Higgins Cremeans on Google, and there are records and Trees for him on It is free and with the trees you can contact the tree oweners and see what they can tell you. Also write to Ireland and see if they have any records, and how about Ancestry.

 Just some ideas that might help you.


Hi Kathleen, thanks for the response. I am a member of Ancestry. I have researched all the trees I can find on those sites. They all have the same information. Some have differing fathers and it is so hard to track. No one has anything helpful. Most say they just copied the info from another person's tree. I have tried Maryland's archives,also. Seems to be allot of information on everyone of that time period except Higgins.I am wondering if he was "adopted" by another member of the family, If his parents died it would have been possible. Right now he remains a ghost to me. I just can't put possibly false information on my search. 



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