Jane Miscavich


Springfield, VA

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Austria
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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  • John G Douglas

    I'm motoring along an isolated lake in the Yukon in that picture, headed toward an area we want to fish. Jody's in the bow with the camera. I'd be happy to be there now. As with Facebook, I'll probably neglect to check in most of the time. My spam software doesn't like Genealogy Wise's headers, so I've got to work on that before I can even get email notices of comments.
  • Jane Miscavich

    Now that's something I find intriguing. I don't do much hiking or boating but I enjoy it when I do. My brother, James Richard (Dick) likes outdoor activities like that too. He and his hiking friends would go to Canada with their canoes and camp out for a week living off the land. They did that almost annually until recently. I haven't heard him talk about it much lately.
  • William Douglas


    I receivd an alert last night (UK time) to say that you had started a discussion in Douglas Genealogy on Genealogy Wise

    However, I can find no trace of it???

    The link I was sent brings up an arror mesage.

    Yours aye,
