Linda Schreiber


Ypsilanti, MI

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Peck, Rothacker, Hoover, Cross, Goss, Schreiber, Eakin, McCay, Dowd, Rockwood, Carrick, Francisco, Skeen, Salisbury, Hurd, Koestle, Varner, Bicknell, Titus, Shaver, Swartz, Lamar, Burrage, Zerbst, Otz, McCullough, Bezel, Villemaire, Swoboda, and many others
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Many locations in the US, and Leichenstein, Quebec CA, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, confused borders in Eastern Europe
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Bob Mooney-Pa

    Welcome to the site. Don't forget to stop in chat and meet everyone. :)  always someone there willing to help.

  • Linda Schreiber

    Thanks, Bob

    I will.... Just still exploring this huge place, and figuring things out!

  • Maureen VanderHeiden


    My Bothwell's were from Ireland.  In the 1700's they were in Omagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland and were Protestant.  My Bothwells left Ireland in 1820 and settled in Durham, Quebec, Canada.  The first name William was repeated throughout the family line.

    Maureen VanderHeiden