Irene Ives


Victoria, BC


Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Bruce, Cook, McNab, Cocking, Short
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Manitoba, Orkney Islands
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher

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  • Irene Ives

    Well, Hello Cousin!

    How very cool! How are Patrick, John and Mildred all linked back to James Bruce-Mary McNab? I have a photo of James and Mary - do you have one too? I doubt there is more than one.... I have a photocopied version, but am going to try to track down a scanned version. My Mom, Alice Ives, and I are going to Winnipeg this summer, and then back to Calgary to check out the Denney Files. I have recorded 37 possible references to check out. Their archivist had a look at a couple of them for me, and one was over 100 pages long! Needless to say, we'd do better to go there in person rather than paying for copies at $1.00 per page. I hope to get all my info in electronic format and get it up on the internet in some way too. When do you anticipate getting your blog up and running?
  • Roxanne Comeau

    Hey, I can send you a file with the Bruce line that links back. I don't have a photo of James and Mary...very cool. I am just starting my blog at It is slow but coming along.
  • Irene Ives

    I'd love a copy of your Bruce line! Please send it along... Once I get a scanned version of my photo of James and Mary McNab, I'll send it your way. I'll check out your blog too!