Gena Philibert Ortega


United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
McNeil, Smith, Nikolaus, Hibbert, Philibert, Harsbarger, Montgomery, Randall, Earlywine, Chatham, Lewis, Ortega, Ochoa, Marquez, Aquino
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA, Mexico, England
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Professional Genealogist
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
American Records
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:

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  • Dodie Ford

    Gena, I intend to join the GENTREK chat on Aug 10 but, I was wondering if it is possible to see the previous chats.

    I would like to have joined USING GOOGLE FOR GENEALOGY on 30 Jul but, I didn't know about it. I would like to know what was discussed.

    It was a great help to receive the newsletter with information about scheduled chats. Thanks, Dodie
  • Kaye D. Karl

    Gena- am I looking in the wrong place, I am looking for the uploaded presentation from last nights chat on Genealogy Research and Resource Notebooks, Part 2. Did I misunderstand something... I thought it would be uploaded on this site or emailed to whomever wanted it. Could you direct me to the link or would you please be so kind as to email it to me- Kaye Karl thanks Gena.
  • Kaye D. Karl

    Thank you for your quick response Gena- no it's not there- please resend. Thank you.
  • United

    AgradeƧo Gena por sua informaƧoes, mais tambem posso apostar sobre a geneologia de Jesus?
  • patsy adkins

    is there anyway we could make Dawn a Gennie Angel??
  • patsy adkins

    I thought it would be nice way of honoring her here on Genealogy Wise.
  • patsy adkins

    go ahead and post the memorial chat for Dawn this weekend. So far everyone who was in the chat tonight said they come...
  • doris direnzo

    Thank you so much for the information. Doris Direnzo
  • Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal

    Gena, see what you think of this, names are only half right, but his dad is Blunt. I have the image too.
    Groom's name: Horace Mccray
    Groom's race or color (on document):
    Groom's age: 52 years
    Groom's birth year: 1873
    Groom's birthplace: Alabma
    Bride's name: Addie Evans
    Bride's race or color (on document):
    Bride's age: 33 years
    Bride's birth year: 1892
    Bride's birthplace: Alabma
    Marriage type:
    Marriage date: 01 Jun 1925
    Marriage place: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
    Groom's father's name: Blunt
    Groom's mother's name: Lizzie Pryor
    Father of bride's name: Thomas
    Mother of bride's name: Matilda Norman
    Marital status:
    Groom's previous wife's name:
    Bride's marital status:
    Bride's previous husband's name:
    Additional relatives:
    Film number: 2342772
    Frame number:
    Digital GS number: 4001716
    Image number: 133
    Reference number: v 11 p 56 rn 290617
    Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925
  • Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal

    Question, what did Horace's WW1 draft card show?? like where was he born and date?
  • James P. LaLone

    Regarding my "favorite genealogy book" I have read at least a half dozen & bits and pieces of possibly another dozen "how to" books, but the one that stands out in my mind most is Norman E. Wright's BUILDING AN AMERICAN PEDIGREE, pub. by Bringham Young University Press, 1974. I know this is not a current book with the addresses and how to do genealogy on the internet, but I started doing this almost 40 years ago (before I had a computer or the internet).
  • Kathryn Brannigan Walizer

    Gena, this is Kathryn Walizer, I was talking to Gus Marsh about publishing his family history. I told him the Allen County Libriary in Fort Wayne Indiana has a manuscript exchange program, whereas you send them a unbound copy of your genealogy and they copy it for their files and return not only your original but also a bound copy to you. I checked with the library to be sure the program was still in effect and below is the e-mail I received from them today

    Yes, we still do the Photocopy Exchange Program. If you send a copy of your book (unbound is best), we will make and send you a bound photocopy and keep one for our collection. Include a letter that indicates you are interested in taking advantage of the Exchange program.
    Send to:
    Steve Myers, Assistant Manager
    Genealogy Center
    Allen County Public Library
    PO Box 2270
    900 Library Plaza
    Fort Wayne, IN 46801.
  • James P. LaLone

    A couple of questions - on the personal page there is "add a link" I added two but where did they go?

    Also is there a place on the personal page where you can post attachments or is that feature only available for group pages? Thanks, Jim.
  • Sue McCormick

    I sent you three emails, but the mail server isn't connecting up! (We're under notice that our isp is upgrading mail service.) Can I upload the three rtf documents somewhere on Genealogy Wise?

  • James P. LaLone

    Thanks, Jim.
  • Alanna C. Fitzgerald

    Thanks Gena! I miss chatting with everyone on the chat. Things have been busy as you can imagine.
  • Robert Alan Snider

    Just got home, snowin & blowin. Coooooold. Got Mary back to her house but missed your chat room.
  • james barry stricklin

    i need help finding info on luther oscar ferrell 1890-1968 where did his family come from and how far back.
  • Roanld Falls Sr.

    Thank you
    I hope my work all help somone also.
  • Tristan Yeaman Tolman

    We will be videotaping and posting the mentoring classes on our website,, so that anyone who would like to view them can, no matter where they live. We are working hard to reach out to people outside of Utah to invite them to become a part of ICAPGen!
  • Raymond R. Parker

    Hello Gena:

    Thanks for the information. As time goes along I will put it to use.
  • Kathryn Brannigan Walizer

    An ezine in Pa asked me to write a article on Genealogywise would you like to add anything to it??
  • Cher

    thank you for the warm welcome :) looks like a very interesting site...looking forward to exploring
  • Gus Marsh

    I sent Steve Myers a CD of my Lange Book and Lange Cover in PDF, haven't heard back from him yet.
  • Kathryn Brannigan Walizer

    Gena, everyone is wondering if you are Ok out there in California, what with the floods and mudslides. We have not heard from you for a while. Just know we are thinking of you
  • Eileen May Lothian

    I am confused by "Attach a gift to this comment". Can this be explained, please?
  • Nicole Provost Hudon

    Thank You I am sure that I will enjoy your site
    Have a nice day!
  • Barry Brown


    Thanks so much for the introduction and synopsis on genealogy-wise.

    Barry Brown
  • marguerite Sykes

    Thanks for the welcome. When I understand this site more completely I'll probably benefit. Any clues on how to find Prussian ancestors if you don't know where they were prior to emigrating?
  • Beth McBride

    My McBrides came from County Kilkenny>NYC (only stayed a few years)>Chicago in 1848. They all stayed in the Chicago area up to the present.
  • Mo Carlson

    Thank you for the welcome and explanation on how to use Genealogy Wise. I am looking forward to being part of the network and finding some interesting info.
    Greetings from PA,
  • Charles William Aubin

    Thank you for the informative welcome. I was looking for help files and this answers some of my questions. Looking forward to increased use of the site as I learn more. Best reguards from Calgary
  • William Kennedy

    Thank you Gena for your warm welcome. I look forward to having more time to put some effort into my family tree, so hopefully i might bump into you in chat. Thanks again. Billy
  • Randall Stackhouse

    Thanks for the welcome Gena!
  • Trisha Moss Barton

    Thank you for the welcome. I hope to learn more as I use the sight. Again Thanks
  • Florence G. Gullett

    Thank you Gena for the welcome.
  • Kenneth Smith

    What I have seen of your site, it's great! I have been trying to load a photo to my profile and it just doesn't seem to want to upload. It is in pjg format. Any ideas??
    Thank you,
  • patricia ann gore

    thank you gena philibert ortega,i'm new at this hope i can some of my dad's friends on here.thomas eugene gore he was in the army,that is where he met my mother lavonne e. little.if anyone out there has a picture of him let me know.i will be putting pictures of my mom on here when she was in the army. thank you patty gore
  • Kenneth Smith

    The pic is jpg format, 143x114, 48.1 kb. running Vista with Explorer 7. I don't know why my photo will not upload to my profile.
  • Bonnie McNabb Chapa

    I have been working on my Family for some years I am still at it and need all the help I can get and I am thankful for it as
    I have been blessed with getting 2 sides published so for .
    But I am at a stand still on a few .
    I Love doing it almost 24 / 7 and I love all the old pictures also .

    Thank You

    Bonnie McNabb Chapa
  • Cindy Medina

    Thank you Gena. I have just started working on my family tree and this site has been a great help.
  • Paula Miller-Cuellar


    Thank you for the welcome.

  • Robirch

    Do you have any idea why one is unable to log into over the last 3 days??? OR where I can go to get the answer??? Thanks.
  • Mindy

    Thank you Gena. I am looking forward to making some discoveries about "lost" relatives.

  • Terry

    Thank You.
  • Raymond Baker

    Thanks for your sending me the information. I will go over and see where I can fit in to the
    conversation to help further my search, and hopefully maybe be a help to others. Ray
  • Cheryl Hamilton

    Thank you for making me feel welcome. I will join when I can and learn about the surname groups. I will put in some time the first of next week if not sooner. Again thank you for the welcome that is a very nice thing.
  • dolores melchor

    thank you. Look forward to this group.
  • George D. Page

    Thanks Gena, I will look around the site to get a feel for it. Hope I do not make to many mistakes. Thanks George Page
  • Glenda Samson

    Gena, thanks so much for the welcome. My sister and I have been learning about research over the past few years. We have come upon a total wall for our GrGrandparents on our dad's Lamb Line and now total confusion at one point for our Francis E. Riley.
    I came across Genealogy Wise somewhere between Francis in Maryland and the Lambs in Arkansas.
    Your welcome was one of the nicest I've seen yet and packed full of info. Looking forward to seeing it all. Glenda