marguerite Sykes

Madison, WI

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Karkutt and Beckmann

Svensson, Jarlberg, Gyberg, Engstrom, Nilsson, Venerus, Jacobsson
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
former parts of Prussia--- Poland, Silesia, Galicia also----Sweden
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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  • Catherine Davis

    Marguerite, regarding the more recent deaths.  Even if a state's death certificates do appear somewhere online, they will probably not include anything more recent than about 50 years, due to privacy concerns.  For these more recent deaths, It's possible that to get a copy of the certificate you may have to prove your relationship to the deceased.  You'd have to check with whichever agency holds the certificates.  In some states, that is the state, in others it is the county.

  • Catherine Davis

    New Mexico death records:

  • Debbie Kennett

    Hi Marguerite, In addition to your husband's testing at 23andMe it would be a good idea for him to get Y-chromosome DNA testing done at Family Tree DNA so that he can look for matches with different surnames. You can't use the 23andMe test for genealogical matching on the surname line. Ideally your husband would need to test at least 37 markers. He can test through the adopted project:

    It might be best to wait for the FTDNA summer sale which should be at the end of June. He would then also be able to join the haplogroup N1c1 project:

    Best wishes
