Western Pennsylvania Genealogy

A group for anyone researching their roots in the Counties of Erie, Crawford, Mercer, Lawrence, Beaver, Washington, Greene, Fayette, Westmoreland, Allegheny, Indiana, Jefferson, Forest, Warren, Venango, Clarion, Somerset, Armstrong, and Butler.

Clarion County Research

If you are researching or interested in Clarion Co., PA genealogically, please post your queries, family information, any resources you'd like to share and anything else that you feel is applicable to Clarion Co. here. If you would prefer that your post be viewed by the whole group, post it to the Comment Wall and not here (please don't double post to both places), just keep in mind that posts in the Comment Wall will quickly be buried by new posts...
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    James Himes

    I am looking for any and all information i can recover from the archives for the Himes and Custer family name in the clarion county area any help would be greatly appreciated as we are trying to piece together our family once again and find out how it was all linked together.
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      Shari Goheen Hindman

      Most of my and my husband's ancestors were in Clarion County from its inception. Some of the main lines were Goheen, Hindman, Pence, Shaner, Burns, Hepler, Myers, Potter. Would like to contact anyone researching any of those lines
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        Catherine Lively

        I am looking into the Shick, Schick, Sheek family lines..