Catherine Lively

39, Female

Orange City, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Germany, England, Scotland, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Tennesee, Indiana, Ohio
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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  • Betty Jean Manes Wilson

    We have done research on the Oglesby line.  My husband descends from Jesse Oglesby who fought in the Revolutionary War.  I would be happy to share information.

    Betty Wilson

  • Jerry Murdock

    Hi Catherine,

    I would be happy to share whatever I have on the Livelys. but I think everything I have is either what I got from the Lively web site several years ago or the few cases where I dispute what everyone else says. My direct connection to the Lively family is through Addie (Lively) Clark. Everything I have found about her says she was born in 1852 and died in 1953. I believe she died in 1907. I was born in 1941 & Addie was my grandmother's mother, yet I never heard any mention of her. In fact, I never even heard of her until I started genealogy years after my grandmother died. I wonder if you have anything on her?

    I'm sometimes slow to reply but that just comes from being retired & not rushing any more (except when I have to fix something that broke around the house).

    Jerry Murdock

  • Jerry Murdock

    The Lively site I mentioned earlier can be found here:

    It is a pretty well organised site, but as you probably know, family history stories tend to be passed from old folks who may be a little bit confused on their facts to young people who may not be listening too closely. As a result, unless there is contemporary documentation, I don't always believe the stories I see. For instance, on the Lively site, the story is that my 2X great grandmother Jane (Dotson) Lively's 1st husband was killed at the battle of Goliad in 1836, but according to the 1850 census, her daughter by him was born about 1841, in Tennessee.

    By the way, Adeline G. (or possibly Adeline B. - I have found the same person given both initials) is my great grandmother Addie. There is a 1907 grave in Oklahoma I believe to be hers.