Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Genealogy Wise folk;

Is there a way so that I can see the Groups that I created and take some sort of responsibility as Group Admin.

I have signed up to 63 Groups. Most as FYI for me, but three that I am the Administrator. My three appear on the 4th and 5th page of My Groups, under the Groups tab.

is there any way to control this?

Thank you

Views: 25

Replies to This Discussion

I know the GW programming staff is close to adding much better sort options for groups. Maybe something close-enough will be in that update.

As far as I know with defaults, Ning does not offer anything like this.

An option to "View Groups I Created" might be something the GW programming staff could try to add.

But an option to "Administrate My Groups" is more likely something that Ning would have to change.

I'd say wait for the group sorting update that is coming. If that doesn't get you the options you need, then bump this topic to see if we can get it addressed.

I am just trying to make sure I keep up with my Group(s) and want to see what's up. The other groups for me, I visit as I have time, or see a Discussion that I that I want to follow. I can get that information from the various Follow Options.

Proactive vs Reactive.

Thank you for the consideration.




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