robyn anderson


Bryan, OH

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
anderson, samuels , trice, mickens, lewis
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
usa,and virginia
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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  • zoda morgan jr

    hey robyn when you get time can you help me on nancy ann taylor

  • John Hale

    Thanks for friending  me. As you may have seen on Facebook:

    Thank you for your kind offer. Sorry this is very long, but I want to provide you all the info I have. My brickwall is my gg grandfather - John Hale (thought to have been born 1815 in Wythe Co. VA). According to the Wythe Co. Historical Society no Hale family was living in Wythe Co during the time my gg grandfahter was born. I have a birth listing of a child for my gg grandfather and his wife Sarah Fawbush (Brackenridge Hale born 1861 in Magoffin Co. KY), this listing shows John's birth place as Wythe, VA and Sarah's as Sulivan, TN. My gg grandfather is shown in the 1850 Perry County, Ky census and the 1860 Magoffin Co. Ky census. I found the following info in a dissertation by Richard Allen Carlson, Jr. titled: "“Who’s Your People?” Cumulative Identity among the Salyersville Indian Population", he states that in the 1860 census “All of the mixed-blood Trusty’s previously shown as “free colored” on past censuses were shown as “white” in this enumeration, as was the Cherokee mixed-blood family of John Hale and Sarah Fawbush”.

    Footnote #822 states: "For more information regarding the local Indian Hale's, see NAM M1104 R: Appl 39587, Eliza Hale, R306, Salyersville, KY, and NAM M1104 R288: appl 38825. John Hale (Jr.), Salyersville, KY. the former has also married an Indian or mixed-blood "Cherokee" woman named Sally Fawbush. Little is known of John and Sally's life prior to their emigration to the Magoffin area from east Tennessee via Perry County, Kentucky."

    Also in this dissertation Carlson stated that according to Magoffin County court records John Hale (born in VA) is referred to as "Old Cherokee John Hale" and that he lived at the County Home and died there in 1877, and Carlson also stated, my great grandfather John Hale who was married to Nancy Trusty and later Margaret Trusty had also lived at the County Home at some point.

  • John Hale

    This is the rest of the info at the Facebook site.

    I had a yDNA test performed by Family Tree DNA (FDNA) hoping to find yDNA matches with other Hale's at the Hale DNA project at FTDNA. The only Hale I matched was a known cousin. My cousin and I DO NOT match any other Hale at the project. FTDNA notified my cousin and I that we matched the following surnames: Acker, Aker and Akers. Another cousin I found through ancestry research said her mother told her and her brother that they were not really Hale, they were Aker. This cousin's mother said an Aker was taken in by a Hale family and changed their Aker name to Hale.

    I did find this info on some Akers:
    Thomas Jefferson Acres is listed in the "Lost Children of Wythe Co VA” (by Mary B. Kegley) on page 122 as "poor boy, bound to George Keesling on June 5, last, and George now being deceased, it is ordered that he be bound out again. George Keesling, father of George, deceased, consented thereto." There was no information as to which family he
    went to next. I also, found information that an unnamed Akers was apprenticed to an unnamed family and was removed from that family and rebound to another family because of ill treatment. No information on which family he was rebound to.

    Again thanks for you kind offer. I hope you can shed some light on who my gg grandfather John Hale really is and who his parents may be.