Julia Coppard


Westminster, CO

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
All from England:
Collins (Ireland & England)
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
United Kingdom 1700-present day

Ancestry Vacations, Customized Ancestry Travel, Family Heritage Travel, History & Battlefield Tours, Ancestry Research Holidays.
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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  • Lori Polley

    Wow...maybe we're related! ;) My Taylors are from England and started out in America just before the American Revolution in Boston I think. I do have the info on them...just not right in front of me. A daughter from the Hammond family (of Samuel Hammond famed by his participation in the Boston Tea Party) married into my Taylors.

    I'd love to hear more about your travel business. It sounds fascinating just from your card. I don't know how busy you are during the day, but I'm at home if you ever want to get together.

    Take care and many thanks for inviting me tonight!

  • Judy Kay McClure Wisehart

    Thank you for including me in the invitation for last evening.  It was interesting.  Keep in touch.  Judy Wisehart
  • Pam

    hi   this is Pam  i am honored to be invited, but i will not be able to attend  because i live in sterling co  and that is 100 miles away.

    i would be able to attend if you had a meeting on a weekend.  please let me know

    thank you  and if you know anyone who spells their name Cure  then im really interested in meeting them  i have history that goes back to the 1700's  on a william cure who servied in the revalution war   and im still trying to find more infomation on him and his parents  he was born in england in 1748 and came across with his parents but cannot find his parents names.