Hatte Blejer


Alexandria, VA

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Kenney, Petticrew, Williams, Johnson, Ruggles, Underwood, Lothrop, Leete, Dudley, Wilbur, Cheney, Stowe, Gallup, Phelps, Kent, Bruen, Baldwin, Snow, Davis, Mintz, Browning, Sherman, Margolis, Frankel, Goldstock, Roshansky, Rubenstein, Reib
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Lithuania (Suwalki, Lomza, Trakai gubernias)
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Not an expert but some experience in early Massachusetts and Connecticut families and in Suwalki and Lomza 19th century Jewish families (Poland Lithuania) and a bit of knowledge of Volhynia, Ukraine Jewish families. Linguistics degrees and speak multiple languages so understand a lot about names.

Comment Wall:

  • Christopher Gene Johnson

    My Grandfather and Grandmother were Johnson's, so my research has been a bit weird (confusing) at times. You can view my genealogy at Roots Web.com, put a name like John Johnson, then look for "onemorelimb" on the right side of the page to find my tree.

  • Christopher Gene Johnson

    Here is the "trail":

    Capt. John Johnson, Capt. Isaac Johnson, Nathaniel Johnson, John Johnson, Isaac Johnson, Henry Johnson, William Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Allen Thomas Johnson, Richard Thomas Johnson, Eugene Ezkiel Johnson, Nettie Mary Johnson, Gene Raymond Johnson, Chris Johnson (ME).

  • Christopher Gene Johnson

    Sorry for not getting back with you, for so long. When life changes everything must change. 

    OK, I am on Geni, however, my listing is the free one and I'm about to make changes (to it). I've been attempting to "clean up" my genealogy and only list those who are actually related to me, as it would be easier then doing Wild Goose chases.  Plus, I'll be contributing to Roots Web.com, again, when they get the site ready to upload information to. I've found more information and people to add. You know, some people collect stamps or coins, me, I collect people..... wait, that just sounds to weird, don't it? LOL

    If you need to contact me about the genealogy, please don't hesitate. I'm at cjwriter10@yahoo.com or you could just call me at (918) 772-0821. Yes, just moved from New Mexico to Oklahoma in February, and I'm still attempting to adjust to things. 

    Take care of yourself, 

    Chris Johnson