warren coleman


Ocala, FL

United States

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Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Jeff Ford

    I am an American airman stationed in England. I have been trying, without much success, to trace my ancestry to Europe since I learned of my assignment. Nearly all of my ancestors came to the American Colonies before the revolutionary war.

    My Coleman ancestor is on my father's maternal line. My earliest Coleman appeared in Charles City County, VA, in 1656 and settled in Amelia County, VA. Around 1768, my line settled in Union County, SC, while another related line settled in Faifield, SC. Between 1870-1880, Christopher Columbus Coleman moved from Union County, SC, to Lafayette County, MS. Around 1920, my great-grandfather moved to California with his family. According to family tradition, his family stayed with relatives who had left MS decades before to settle in Texas. I know for a fact that one of his sisters settled in Texas.

    Although I am not a paternal descendant, I have found Coleman's who are related to me that have been tested and whose results are posted on ftDNA's Coleman project. All are part of the haplogroup G2. Unfortunately, none list a ancestor in the UK.