Gloria Kay Vandiver Inman, M.A.,


Chandler, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Adamkowski-Ayers-Barnes-Bergen-Bondurant-Brokaw-Brown-Caudill-Chatham-Christian-Clark--Clarkston-Creech-Daugherty-Dollarhide-Feathers-Faure-Frederic-Ford-Garrett-Goodson-Hagins-Harrison-Hays-Inman-Lea-Lounsbury-Luckett-Mathews-Maxey-McDaniel-Mitchell-Nye-Olsen-Parsell-Poage-Proper-Reynolds-Rice-Riddle-Sagaser-Setzer-Smith-Stamper-Suydam-Tilton-Troutman-Turmire-Vandiver-Van der Veere-Wallace-Waring-Whitaker
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
US, England, Norway, Appallachia, KY, VA, PA, WA, ID, OR,
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Professional Genealogist
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
US in general, 1650-present, New England early settlerls, especiallly like to do Apalachia research (Eastern KY, Western VA) and the Pacific North West (WA, ID, OR)
The past year I have had heavy exposoure to Norwegian Genealogy and find it very interesting and fruitful after a frustrating beginning. I have compiled, written, edited, transcribed , and published, all sorts of genealogical primary resources and family histories. See my web site for meore.
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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  • Dawn Kurth-Minard

    Hi Susan, I have a George VanDiver b, Va abt 1827, George married Mary Susan Grindstaff (Mary Susan Grindstaff is sister to my Isaac Grindstaff- my line) I have that Susan was married before to a Michael Hayes before George and he died. On the 1880 Sullivan Co, MO census Susan is shown as hoh, with children Edmund, Elmore, Laura, George and my gr gr grandmother Sarah Ellen Grindstaff is listed as Niece. George , the husband is not show in teh 1870 or 1880 census for Sullivan County, I am assuming he died. In 1860 census the family is living in Linn Co,Mo, next to my Isaac Grindstaff & family. Was wondering if you had info on this line of VanDiver's or the Grindstaff line. Thanks, Dawn
  • D. Plyler

    Hi Gloria, I am the granddaughter of Lewis Clarence messex and Mary Jane messex and the daughter to their daughter Joy Messex who died this January. Regards, Deb 

  • Don L Rice

    Interested in the Name 'Vandiver', 50 years ago today  a David Vandiver and I had a joint birthday party in the Navy, he was from South Carolina, wanted to say happy birthday again.

    Don Rice