Lillian Alline Champagne


Shelton, WA

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Auger, Desilets, Dansereau, Collins, Barrett, Batts, Carter, Champagne, Claiborne, Durr, Dutton, Flowers, Grizzard, Haberlie, Hanna, Harrell, Johnson, Kornegay, Lacy, Lacye, Melton, Miller, Pain, Paine, Payne, Reaves, Reeves, Riddlespurger, Shiner, Simmons, Smith, Tanner, Moore, & Walker
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Quebec, Canada, Germany, England, & Ireland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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  • James Alfred Locke Miller Jr.

    Glenn LACY Woollen of Winston-Salem was a kinsman. My Millers were early Germans from Cabarrus and Rowan Cos., N.C. My John Cyrus Miller's (1811-1893) brother, Frederick Haro Miller, removed to the Republic of Texas. Our "Haro" is not the more frequent Spanish, but less common Prussian/German family. I'm interested in the mid-1700's Batts family connection to my James family near Wilmington, N.C.
  • Sherry Hightower

    There are some distant cousins buried in the old Security Cem but not sure about Countyline. Don't worry about the time in answering...I have so many irons in the fire, I am branding myself!  Have a wonderful Christmas and I hope your computer comes back up.

  • Donna Gates-Smeall


    It is feasible that Durr is DOERR.  I would need to do a surname research check on this.

    I would like to consider sharing our information; however, I currently only have one DOERR in my family line.  

    Who do you have in your line with the DURR/DOERR name?  I would like to explore this possibility.

    Donna Gates-Smeall