Curt Watke

North Augusta, SC

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Watke/Wotke/Woitke/Witke, McMeekin, Wallace, Jayne, Coleman, Strain, Steele, Pendleton, Clausen, Mason, McWha, Jarmin, Klotzsche, Hafer, Ellington, Lemaster, Kosch, Lassen, Snyder, West, Stephensen, Ralston, Taylor, Bull, Bondurant, Alexander, Altman, Williams, Caskey, Kilgore, Pickelsimer, Klaner, Ludwig, Wiesner, Heuricks, Manzer, Hasty, Keller, Johnson, O'nan, Haney, Appel, McDowell, Janes, Dewitt, Lewis, Gray, Tackett, Trimble
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, British Isles
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:

  • Randy C

    Hi Curt,

    Glad to meet a Pringle from the Loyalist branch, I would be very interested to see your line back to "Joel the Father". Is there a lot of Pringles from Timothy there in South Carolina?

    By the way, a couple of years ago, we lived up the road from you, in Red Bank SC.
  • Randy C

    Got your message, yes I am descended fro Joel also:

    * 1. Joel Pringle & Deborah Bigelow UEL
    * 2. Joseph Pringle & Mary Springsteen UEL
    * 3. John Pringle & Martha Riggs
    * 4. Alfred Pringle & Sarah Ann Fretz
    * 5. Claud Dutcher & Ella Pringle
    * 6. Cortez Cummings & Daisy Dutcher (my Grand Parents)

    I have some info on my Michigan Pringles after they migrated from Canada on this webpage I made a long time ago:

    I think that you will be very interested in this other guys web site, I think he is from Timothy also, he has pictures of Ard Benedict and Hannah Pringle:

    Hope this is something new for you.
    Thanks Randy