Evelyn Schneider


Lilburn, GA

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Sackhoff - Hamilton County, Cincinnati, OH
Newton - MA
Newton - Ontario, Canada
Tyson - GA. FL
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
US, Germany, Canada
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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  • Lori Deible Chaffin

    Glad I was able to help you out with Heinrich's first name, Merry Christmas!

    I will hunt around for info on that Church and look through my other books, But it will be later today or tomorrow. Today I put up the Christmas Village and Tree.

  • Lori Deible Chaffin

    Evelyn, I checked the other books I have and found no listing for any Sackhoff's in them. I am a member of the Hamilton County Genealogical  and on their website they have copies of the Tracer, their quarterly publication. But I don't know what the heck I did with my password. I have a message into them asking them to resend it to me. When they do I will look through the back issue's and see if there is anything in there for any Sackhoff's.


    I found the same info you did about the North German Church. They are at the Library at UC. I have never been there, as parking is so crazy down there. I have heard people say that they have called and gotten help for the staff, and I have heard some people say the staff was not so helpful. I guess if you called them to see what they could do for and what kind of fee it involves you might, or might not, have some luck with them. 

  • Lori Deible Chaffin

    Hi Evelyn,

    We have had so much rain here I have not been able to get to any of the cemetery's!

    Send me the list of names, and death dates if you have them, and I will call the care taker at Laurel and find out where they are. Then once it dries out a bit here I will get over there and get some pictures for you.