Alison Macbeth Mitchell



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
British India
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Monumental inscriptions

Comment Wall:

  • Linda Temple

    Hi Alison, nice to see you here.
  • ros

    Hi Alison
    My mother's family called some of their children Primrose to keep the family name going. They were also related to the Macbeths and the Wilsons. I will look through my records and let you know what I might have that could be of interest
  • Jamie L Dikeman

    Thank you for your information.  I am still making inquiries about the scroll.  I live in the U. S. so I can't  physically check these places and so far my searches of the online references for these places has come up without result.  There are some holes in my family information that could be filled in by it.  It's a shame that it hasn't been photographed or digitized in some fashion.  I think the scroll would help a whole lot of people. 

    Who do you descend from?