Emily Doolin Aulicino


United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Boers, Burson, Canterbury, Carter, Conard, Derby, Doolin, Evans, Ellis, Franklin, Gilmore, Gray, Hartwell, Harty, Hatfield, Husor, Jarad, Jenkins, Kilgore, Kunders, Lamson, Lane, McCoon, Michael, Miller, Mills, Neal, Ogan, Parker, Payne, Pierson, Pugh, Roberts, Robertson, Rogers, Sherrill, Simpson, Smith, Storrier, Stubblefield, Studivan/Studyvin, Talley, Thompson, Trent, Watson, Whitmore, Williams, Wilson, Wycal/Wickle
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Ireland, Scoltand, Wales, England, Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Genetic Genealogy. I do speaking presentations on Genetic Genealogy and on writing one's childhood memories and family stories. I also teach classes locally on the latter topic.

Northwest Regional Coordinator and Speaker for ISOGG (www.isogg.org)
Administrator for twelve FTDNA DNA Projects
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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  • Mark Taylor Edwards

    Am interested in Kunders/Conrad/Conard line-we intersect at least once Robt Edwards married ELiz Conard. We believe his gg-father, John/Jonathan Edwards, had a daughter Jane who married Michael Conard/Conrad.
  • Phillip Marr

    Thank you for allowing me to join. I found a Talley on FTdna Family Finder who is my confirmed 4th cousin. He sent me information to help me expand my genealogy data base.  My connection with Tally/Talley begins with Sarah marrying Richardson in Georgia. One of Richardson's and Sarah's daughters married the brother of my great grandmother Nancy Thompson. I find all this fascinating. Phillip
  • Debbi

    Storrier is a Surname appearing in my FTDNA testing.  Please contact me.