Sonia L. Walker


United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Boyd, Foote, Lee, Walker, Simpkins, Irvin, Calhoun, Rollinson, Brooks, Ellis, Norwood
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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  • Gene Ray Thornton, Jr.

    Hi Sonia,

    No, unfortunately. I have not run across an Simkins. I've searched many WALKER lines, postings, DNA databases and the best source so far has been the SCArchivesOnline. It's there I found several wills. And the information very relevant -- but no proof exactly who Elizabeth (Walker) Thornton's father is. The other very resourceful data are the Censuses. I looked for Walkers near my THorntons. This is the mostly family. I cross-reference it with wills and weed out the others. I have some "most likely" cases from using these sources and methods.

  • Mary Anne Smith

    Hi Sonia,

    I haven't worked on my genealogy for sometime as I started back to work full time and in Oct 2009 got a divorce and moved to an apt. I can tell you that I've traced my Foote line to Georgia, and I know that my 2x great grandpa George W. Foote was born in 1813 in Union County SC. His parents were James and Jane Mills (Rice) Foote. I think that there were a lot of Footes; Sonia my email address is Typing into this box is not easy - I have DSL and it is very slow trying to type. Contact me via my regular email. I will tell you what I have - I don't know if it will be helpful to you but we can give it a try.

    Mary Anne
  • Jonnie Ramsey Brown

    Hi Sonia,


    My husband's mother family is from Abbeville, SC--the Marshall Family.  I notice on that you have published data from the 1860 slave schedule and a list of free African Americans on the 1860 census.  Is this the same info on or something else?  How can we get a copy of your work?