Sara N Martin


Golden, CO

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Johnson, Hurt, Ohl(s), Hochstetler/Hosteter, Roberts, Lewis, King, Popplewell, Satterfield, Bryant, Dubois, Ooton/Wooton, Miller, Eash, Cain, Mason, Chamberlain, Brown, Wilson, Clark, Hodge, Turpin, Steely, Wray/Ray, Neal, Lane, Minges, Donnadieu, Schneider/Schnyder, Barnes, Freeman, Tailor, Seese, Mills, Patterson, Snyder, Fletcher, Rasler/Resler, Martin, Aaron, Baker, Ames, Brant, Hobbs, Curtis, Witham, Ulmer, Fisk, Womack, Coleman, Blass, Burkhart, Gates, Hiers, Benton, Langley, Breland, Kearse, Bishop, Cope, Kinard, Jones, Cowart, Townley, Wells, Harris, Hunter, Kiggins, Hautengshu, Howe, Jollifee, and Green
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA, England, Germany, Switzerland, France. In the USA: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North/South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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