Dae Powell


Grand Prairie, TX

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
BEASLEY (England, Wales)
DIXON (England, VA, MD)
GORTON (England, MA, RI)
POWELL (Wales, OH, NE)
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United Kingdom, Germany, and a wee bit o' France.
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Professional Genealogist
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Land records, pensions, wills and probate, collaterals. Also, genealogy lecturer online and offline. Founder of GENTREK, a genealogy discussion group which features a presentation every week. (Inquire within)
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:

  • Renee Zamora

    I have always looked forward to your comments on Dick Eastman's blog articles. Always wonderful insight.
  • Jacqui Hart

    Hi Dae, Greetings from the UK, thanks for invite, Leafy!! XX
  • Katrina Haney

    Hi Dae, I see one of the names you are interested in is Adams. I am running an Adams group. Perhaps you would like to join it http://www.genealogywise.com/group/adamsfamily

    Yes it's the Adams Family!
  • Family History Monthly magazine

    Thanks Dae!
  • Alan Martin Long

    Hi Dae!! Thank You for for the Friend-ship. I would think with a name like Dae, that there has to be a wee bit of Welsh in you, would I be correct.
    And the home town in Texas, that has to be a little bit bigger than Dublin, Ireland.
    If I can be of any assistance to you in any way just ask.
  • Gen Story Girl

    Thank you for the friend invite! My roots are deep in Texas (I'm a first generation born in CA).
  • Fluttergirl

    My first friend invite on here! Thanks! :)
  • Allen McClain

    Hello Dae!
    I have to admit, I was sitting on the fence as to whether to join Genealogywise
    until I saw your posting on ShoeStringGenealogy.com that classes will be
    held here. I have learn a lot at your previous classes and looking forward to
    the future classes now at Genealogywise. Thanks!
  • Debra Dee Munn

    Hi, Dae, Thanks for the friend invitation! I'm actually an American myself, also from Texas (Amarillo), but in 1995 I moved to Brighton here in England. I'm really looking forward to hearing your podcasts (I've just started listening to podcasts on my iPod) and learning more from you!
  • Sarah Coles

    Hello Dae and thanks for the invite!

    Curious to know what line of Coles in MA are you related to. Looks like you have an interesting gen background along with some interesting information here on GenWise. Look forward to checking back often to your profile. I just joined GenWise the other day and it's been quite interesting so far. .
  • Valerie Ve Romero Lopez

    Hello Dae, Im a little new to this site. I like it much. i will get on again tomorrow.
    Have a good night. VE or Valerietzgrlopez
  • Lori Nawyn

    I am researching Sherman Powell who lived in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was married to Georgia (Grace) Colonia Hill Hammond Powell and owned Powell's market. After Georgia's death he married a woman named Marie.
  • Lori Nawyn

    Thanks, Dae. He was Sherman J. Powell of Sherman, Grayson, Texas. Born 16 May 1878, died 30 Oct 1956. His father was Ambrose Powell. Mother Margaret M. Smith. His second wife was Marie Conally. Georgia was my great-aunt.
  • Sandra M. Hammons

    Thanks for viewing my site. I will be adding more lessons later this month.

  • Sarah Coles

    Everybody has received this scam makemoneywith--on GenWise. We don't need this scam. I sent in a complaint by clicking on "report issues" you find at the bottom of the page. There's lots of information on the Internet about this scam. This is just one link:

    We don't need this nonsense on GenWise. Put in a complaint when you get a chance.
  • Sarah Coles

    I love the photo you posed on my page! Cool. I also think these scammers got thrown off GenWise. I sure hope so! Time to get back to genealogy.
  • Dixie Jack Halber

    Hi Dae! Yes we'll be friends. :) I am indeed named Dixie and living in Indiana. While I'm from southern Virginia, I've found more Dixie's here than I've ever known before! And Jack is my maiden name and has given me trouble all my life. I even had a cabdriver refuse to let me in once because he was looking for a man name Jack!

    Halber is indeed Jewish, but I'm not, my husband is. All of the above colluded to fool one of my husband's distant cousins. I'd located him on the Internet, provided him with some information he was missing and asked some questions. He just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that this woman named Dixie in Indiana was claiming to be related! :D
  • Dixie Jack Halber

    Oh, and Happy Birthday!
  • Jim Avery

    Happy Birthday!!!! I tried to e-mail greetings but AOL said your mail box is full. Have fun!
  • Elyse Doerflinger

    Hey Dae - could you possibly send me the notes for today's GENTREK chat? My email is GenealogistElyse@gmail.com
  • Alice M. Fairhurst

    My McKenzies are from Ardelve, Ross-shire and the croft house that they owned is still thatched and under a preservation order. We think they are likely Gairloch MacKenzies descended from Hector Roy, but all of the male line has died out so we can't do DNA testing. If you have any male MacKenzies, they might want to join the project and test at 37 markers, then we can know if they are descended from Alexander Ionriac, chief in the 1400's.
  • Mary Taylor Ferrando

    Dae - Hello! My 4th Great Grandmother is Martha Dixon born 1749 in Pa her Parents are John Dixon and Rebecca Cox of New Castle, De. father: - Henry Dixon of Christiana 100, New Castle County De - father: William Dixon, Sego Armaugh, Ireland.
  • Wilma Van Dee

    What sir names are you researching? My maiden name was Williams - that's as bad as Smith when it comes to genealogy. I am also searching my married name which I've hit a brick wall on also. What names are you researching?
  • Ellen Healy

    Hi, Dae - I have a genealogy club meeting tonight and would love to be in on your chat of Organizing Your Research. Are your chats transcribed- could I please get a copy of tonights (Nov. 9, 2009) chat? Sorry- I usually don't get home until 10:30- hour and a half after you start (here in New Jersey). Thanks. Ellen
  • Ellen Healy

    Hi, Dae, Me again. My email is ebh1776@optonline.net. Thanks.
  • Wilma Van Dee

    I'm afraid not - unless your Gorton's are from NY. David Gorton (b. 9/7/1940, d. 1/3/2005) married Nada Van Dee (husband's side of the tree). I don't recognize any of the other last names.
  • Sue McCormick

    Jayne and Dae,

    I am posting this on both of your walls; I hope it tells the Genealogy Wise world what a great help you both are.

    I was teasing when I complained about buying another book. I told my husband about Producing a Family History, by Patricia Law Harper on Tuesday morning; he promptly ordered it and now I'm the happy owner of a new-to-me guide to improving my skills in Genealogy. I have read "What to Write; When to Write It" almost like reading a novel. But, truly, I'm treating this book more seriously than that. I may just make working copies of ALL the checklists as I apply different chapters to my work.

    Thank both of you again for an interesting presentation which led me to owning a very useful book.

  • Lori Deible Chaffin

    Dae, thanks for being my friend! I had seen you around on here before but just now checked out your profile page. I was so surprised to see that you are the person behind ShoeString Genealogy! A site I have loved since the first time I saw it.
  • Sue McCormick

    Dae, I missed every single posting of your chat "Analyzing Conflicting Evidence;" no matter how much we resent it, the outside world does sometimes conflict with our study/pursuit of Genealogy. But I noticed that ShoeString Genalogy has a discussion about Evidence. Is this mostly the same material?
  • Carolyn Hope McRae

    Thank you Dae Powell; I am new to this and have found a lot of information thanks to the convenience of Goggle. I have been able to go back to the 1700s on one branch of the family and am eager to find new information and knowledge.
  • Roberta Hicks Karsteter"Bobbi"

    Thank you for the invitation to join.I hate to admit it,but I'm no good at discussions.I"m a hands on person(physically show me how or what to do and I'm OK).I am excited finding your site.Here's hoping we can help and learn from each other.Dae,I have read your comments on EOGN for the past few years.It's nice to see you at last.

    I don't know what you are all about, but I hope to learn something new to help me to at least gather a few helpful positive responses in my genealogical research. It is so discouraging to continually get negative responses. JOYCE
  • Terry

    Wow. I see that we have a lot of simular names in our family tree. I am relativly new to this. I still need to go through a lot of hints in my family tree and delet things. I am fairly sure parents, grandparents and such are right, however, I think I picked up a lot of doubles of the kids. I've just figured out the fast way to see them, and delet the extras. I was doing it the really slow way and didn't know it : )
  • Donna Oelkers Gordon

    Thanks for the invitation. I have a lot to learn about genealogy.
  • Terry

    Do you have a relation to the Powell's in my tree? A relative from Texas told me she belived Emilie Augusta Powell was part Cherokee. I belive her father was John Powell, and I found a John Powell that was Chactaw, but his case number showed he was from a different state than the one I have. It is like I told my Aunt, it seems like the equivelent of saying your arn't Mexican unless you were born in Mexico, which is kind of true, and kind of not true. This has really confused me.
  • Terry

    My Powell's were in Alabama we have been as far back as 1799. If they had Indian or not I do not in any fact or percentage. : ) I'll check out your site too : ) The person I would like to know about most is David Clark Moren. I want to know the nationality of my dad. My moms lines go to Europe, but my Dad's end here except for one leg on his mother's side goes back to Europe. There is still a whole lot we do not know.
  • Terry

    I think so. My grandpa was born Nov 4 of that election year and my great grandparents voted for him. I have these: 1910 United States Federal Census
    1870 United States Federal Census
    1920 United States Federal Census
    1850 U.S. Federal Census - Slave Schedules
    Arkansas Census, 1819-70
    1840 United States Federal Census
    1830 United States Federal Census
    Arkansas Land Records
    Arkansas Land Records
  • Terry

    This is kind of wierd, but it was thought that maybe his dad was Ruben Moren, and maybe Ruben's dad was Abner Moren. They had slaves and it shows a part where Ruben Moren had a women and two little kids black 40 women, and two 4 year olds, later it looks like this women was his wife, in a census where they didn't bother to right the race down. This has really been concerning me, and I do not know how to find out. It looks like the kids were James and Joice Moren. I don't know how this could be, and I would like to know if there is another answer and if my ignorance is playing with me.
  • Patty Wimpsett Killion

    Thanks for the invite. I'll try to be there at 9:00 tomorrow night I can't promise because of my schedule. If not, perhaps next Monday. Its sounds fun.
  • Cindy58

    Hi Dae,
    Thanks for being my first friend. I have a lot of relatives in Texas. My great-grandfathers brother left Georgia in the 1850's and took his family with him. The last name was Ballew. Have a nice day Cindy
  • Cecile Hoffman Ellis

    Hey, thanks for your invite, hope to get the hang of this genealogy wise site.
  • Spivey

    Thank you, Dae. I am honored.
  • Jodee James

    Thanks Dae for the invite. My cousin Ellen mentioned the chat to me and just as i was about to sign on i got a phone call - i hopped on long enough to see her saying goodnight - i'll be back - thanks again ~
  • Sheri Fenley

    Dae Dahling! I was reading your weekly newsletter and as I always do - I click over to visit your website to catch up on news.


    I was thrilled when I happened to spy with my little eye my blog badge!  I had no  idea you actually read my blog???  Coming from you sir, this is an honor.  I don't know if you noticed, but I do show up to your chats.  Yes, lurking but still find them full of all kinds of useful information.


    I just wanted to say thank you.  I am going to go now.  At the rate my head is inflating it is possible I may not make it thru the doorway!


    Sheri Fenley