

Dahinda, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Anderson, Kelley, Osborne, Shenault, Walters.
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Ireland, Scotland, MD, PA
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Professional Genealogist
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
I don't know if I'm an expert or not but been at this an awful long time, I've taken some classes and attended many seminars and also learned a few things I didn't know before. Old Photographs, I learned how to date them just recently but haven't had the time since to sit down and apply it. I've helped people out with their research, brick walls, I two web pages dedicated to Knox and Warren Co., IL. Also on for Illinois Cemeteries, called Illinois Saving Graves where you can go and find info, laws, tombstone photos, etc. you name it and I've probably done it. Been at this for twenty five years and doesn't seem that long to me when looking back. I've always been curious about who came before me, what they did, where they lived, I love to go and visit the states where they came from and walk the walk as I call in their footsteps. I think I was born too soon. I live in Knox Co., IL and will be working on a cemetery not far from home if it will quit raining and we sell our lambs. August probably now.

Warren & Knox county histories and Cemeteries.
IllinoisSavingGraves ****new
Illinois American History & Genealogy Project
Illinois Saving Graves Mailing list
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:


    Welcome Foxie! Cute dog.
  • Karen S.

    I think right now it's hard for people to find groups they're interested in. The search engine gives you loads of results but about 10 at a time, so you have to click click click click... forever... to get through them all. Hang in there, people will find it. You can send out emails to anyone who might be interested too, and tell then were to find it.
  • Sherry Hightower