Brenda Guilkey-Jordan


Portsmouth, OH

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Blevins, Boggs, Brown,Falk/Fulk, Guilkey, Hiles, Parker, Stephens/Stevens, Lyon, Grizzle, Elam, Holsinger, Blubaugh, Clement
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA..eastern KY and southern OH, Scotland, Wales, England, Ireland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Betty Jo Blevins

    How are you doing on your research on the Blevins? I am still trying to find documentation and hopeful some pictures of my hubby's family. I have a James Blevins married to Hannah O. Lyons. Their son, William is the line I'm working from. Maybe we can exchange notes. Trying to find his Revoluntary War Record/Pension application for the SAR for my husband and son.
  • Betty Jo Blevins

    After a break from doing research on Hubby's family tree I am back working harder so I can print off what I have to give to our son when he gets married in June.

    Hubby's line that I have been able to start with is: James Blevins married Hannah O. Lyons, their son William who married Sarah Sally ?, their son, William Blevins who married Mary Ann Lyon, their son James L. Blevins who married Phebe Stephens, she later married James cousin, Elisha Blevins, James son, John William Blevins married Nancy A. Wilson. John and Nancy were hubby's grandparents. I am trying to find someone who can help me with locating some birth, deaths, marriage records as I have some problems with my ancestry account. I am unable to bring them up and print them off. Also trying to find pictures as some of his relatives do not want to share what they have. I do have pictures of John and Nancy's tombstone as they are next to my in-laws, Orville and Elsie Blevins. I also found on the internet a picture of Hannah O. Lyons Blevins tombstone (she is buried with a daughter and son-in-law) and James Blevins, who has a military tombstone. The others I am still trying to match up census records with the children and neighbors who might have been related to get a full picture of how they moved around and their occupations.

    Have you heard the story that there might have been some cherokee mixed in the Blevins line? Haven't been able to find proof yet but hubby's aunt shortly before she died in 2008 when we saw last mentioned she heard those stories when she was growing up. I hope we can exchange family histories. Maybe we can make a connection. Haven't talked hubby into doing a DNA testing yet. Maybe some day. Hope to hear from you.

  • Betty Jo Blevins

    Would love to exchange information with you. Maybe we can help each other out and see where they connect. Our email is: