Debbie Anne Jackson


Sterling, AK

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Egeberg, Wadsager, Vadsager,Starr, Staer,Staehr, Poulsen,
Lovsihal, Petersen, Peterson, Martinussen, Nielsen, Jackson, Field, Sullivan, Roberts, Lyle, Lyll, Horsey, Guffey, Beck, Jump, Miller, Rouse, Fish, McFarland, Cagle, Burr, Kennedy, O'Sullivan, O'Kennedy, Sullivant, O'Connell, Michel, Tyson, Burns, Honea, Kiel, Moore,Blevins,Kintyre
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
U.S. ,Denmark, Norway, England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
I think the most important quality you can offer in Genealogy is your time. I have been doing genealogy for 30 yrs. now. You could say I was a genealogist before genealogy wasn't cool.
I love people, and I really love helping people. I believe those are probably my specialties.
I was a history, and anthropology major in college.
I have taken Native American genealogy courses in college. I have attended Family History Genealogy Conferences. I have researched the old writing in censuses from the late 1800's, and early 1900's
I have helped transcribe index cards for a genealogy program.
I am a member of several different historical societies, and in the process of joining a few more cities i have found ancestors from.
I also am a member of Ancestry, a few social network sites,Newspaperarchives, Genealogy Bank, and several search sites.

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