nancy ann cole


Whittier, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Howard----Harr----Lorenz---Van Duesen---Rice---
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
started in finding my husbands family right after we were married in dec. 1949. he was adopted, and didn't have any family, as his adopted dad and wife were murdered by her brother in 1945. i have not only found most of his family, but went to the ones living homes, and stood at his fathers grave in okla. and moms cemetery in arkansas, and put headstone in that cemetery for her. also replaced headstone on his gr. grandfathers grave in alabama.followed the trail of tears 2x looking for his grandmothers grave just to find out that she wasn't of indian heritage like we were told by his sis who we found in 1951.
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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  • Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal

    HI Nancy,
    Nice to meet someone else who lived in this area! Raynor sounds familiar as does the other name you mentioned (now it's not in front of me). My husband & I moved here from the Colville & Kettle Falls areas (WA) when he got a job at the Riley Creek Lumber Mill (now Idaho Forest Group) in 1993/94. Always loved the area, he's gone now, passed away in 2005 but two sons and their families still live here as well.
    Thanks for writing, it was nice to hear from you! How is your research coming? Have you been researching for many years? I was reading the comments on your page, it all sounds very interesting! My dad's ancestor came from East Prussia and I've been working on them for a long time as well as many other lines.
  • Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal

    I may have heard of that accident near Colville, but not sure now, it's been a long time. Yes, Colville (And Kettle Falls) are both not too far from Canada. As for the Perrins living in your old house, I'm not sure, I'm not real sure which house was yours, Priest River's probably changed since you were here. Sadly, in these times, many have lost their homes or simply left them from what I've heard. I know the Perrin name, I used to work at the Senior Center here for several years, but not sure that's where I know it from, it may have been from my dear friend Shirley Pearsall.
  • Tom Vajdik

    Hi Nancy. I have finished some pressing projects that had to be done. Now I can crack open the photo album. So many pictures to choose from.