

Melbourne, Victoria


Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Armstrong, Batey, Coombs, Cottenham, Curd, Dalton, Davison, Ellam, Embrey, Gammon, Gent, Heppel, Husthwaite, Irvine, Kaye, Kirsop, Leatheard, Louttit, Mellie, Metcalfe, Morley, Parsons, Pratt, Raspin, Ratcliffe, Raymant, Scarth, Skaife, Spence, Stokan, Varo, Winsby, Wood
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Australia, Durham,Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, London, Kent, Orkney, Monmouth, Northumberland,Somersetshire, Sussex, Surrey, Yorkshire
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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  • Susan M CURD

    Thank you so much that in these hard times that you can spare the time to talk.

    I don't know whether you've come across Becky Faulkenbridge.  She mentioned that she emails Marg it was Marg that put her onto me.  She sent me details about Richards family (who he left behind in Blighty(England) when sent away.   I've told her about all about the Curds plight in Toowoomba area but she has probably seen it for herself  on TV.  I wish you all the best and I'm praying for you all (in my own way).  Love to you all.

  • Susan M CURD

    Becky Faulkenbridge is married to Tony who is descended from the Maidstone Curds.  They live in Devon and now that my parents have joined my brother there I hope to meet up with.

    She has assured me that Marg et al are OK.  I was trying to contact Marg through an old email address so probably why I haven't had a reply.  Marg's email is which you might already know.

  • Louise Clayton


    Sorry I am accepting your friend request so late.

    Glad to be your friend

    Louise in Wagga Wagga