Joyce Black



United Kingdom

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Beginning Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Iain Kennedy

    The ones I have surveyed personally are listed on this page

    which includes Kilmarnock cemetery (including a photo of the grave of Samuel Kennedy jnr d. 1947) but nothing in Riccarton yet. According to my list of MIs from SAFHS both Riccarton old churchyard and Kaimshill have been surveyed but only pre-1855 MIs have been published.

    I had a quick peek at them just now in the Mitchell library here in Glasgow but can confirm they are only pre-1855.

    You could contact East Ayrshire council but they will charge you for a lookup:

    Bear in mind that he may be in an unmarked grave so there may be nothing to see anyway. The period you are indicating he died in ie 1880s is about the time when marked graves really start to thin out.

    No sign of Samuel's death in my database yet I'm afraid.

  • Iain Kennedy

    Update note after latest trip to New Register House. Samuel d 8 Mar 1886 Kilmarnock, son of James Warren Kennedy and Mary Hamilton. They were from Ireland but married 2 Jan 1850 Inch parish Wigtownshire. James survived his son and died 1893 Jul 17 Kilmarnock, son of Charles Kennedy and Jeanie Warren.
  • Iain Kennedy

    I haven't been there but my guess would be not, as (a) there is no published MI to consult and (b) if they gave out the recent burial info the council have, the council wouldn't be able to make money out of you!