Tricia Steer


Mapleton, Queensland


Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Bray, Baillie, Blair, Botterell, Couperthwaite. Cowperthwaite, Cummins, Curry, Dawe, Doidge, Easterbrook, Fergusson, George, Giles, Guthrie, Hewitson/Hewitsen, Huggins, Longhurst, McCall, McEwan, Middleweek/Middlewick, Moar, Prinn, Rendal, Steer, Sutcliffe,Teague, Tippett, Veness, Wholohan, Wilson, Worth,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
England, Scotland., Ireland, Canada, Australia
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Geniaus

    Good to find a distant cousin here.... I've recently republished my genealogy at I have added a few more Curry cousins to it.

    Please join 160 other Australian genealogists at The Australian Genealogists Group on Genealogy Wise
  • Sue Gray

    Hi Tricia....could you give me dates for Thomas Easterbrook and Elizabeth Warren? I have more than a dozen Thomas Easterbrooks in my tree and some of them do not have dates or spouses.
  • Sue Gray

    I look forward to hearing from you again Tricia
