Lisa B. Lee


Oakland, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Ragland, Cornish, Lee, Bruce, Patteson, Johnson, Jackson, Kersey, Cook, Lansing, Douglass, Geer, Cheseborough, Buck, Payne, Randolph, Powhatan, Rolfe, Bolling, Pitts, Crawley, Anderson, Gay, Venegar, Dickerson, Verdun, Dronet, Olivier, Boutte, Rubin, Richard, Montgomery, Esclavon, Yancy, Clark, Trent
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Canada, United States, Ireland, Scotland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Professional Genealogist
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Blacks in Canada, American South, Slavery (U.S. and Canada), Mid-Atlantic states, Texas, Canada
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:


    Welcome, Lisa!
  • Denise Young

    Thank you for signing up and I'm sure something good will come out of this, and we will be able to get others to commit to being a part of the genealogy world.
  • Porsha A. Williams

    Thanks for the one up - at 95+WPM, my fingers move faster than I can think I occasion.
  • msualumni

    Lisa, I just ran across your Got Genealogy website and loved it! I'm signed up;)
  • Kinfolknews - Regina

    Howdy Lisa,
    I'm glad you to see you on GenealogyWise. I've been a subscriber to "Got Genealogy" for about one year (since the '08 Jamboree) and I even won a purple bag which I take everywhere with me.

    I noticed you are researching the Montgomery surname and specialize in Texas. One of my "Brick walls" is my Montgomery line in Texas.

    Welcome, Lisa!

  • Kinfolknews - Regina

    Sorry it's taken me a few days to get back to you. Unfortunately, we don't have a match. I checked my database and none of mine were in LA. Ky, TN and TX but not LA. Bummer!
  • Brandy Luckey

    HI, are you related to the dickersons out of cass county texas?
  • Kelli Davis Underhill

    My Dickerson are from Indiana and Kentucky area's. I have met a few people with the last name Dickerson in Texas, some in Jefferson county, some in Harris County and some from Burleson county. If I get any more information from any of them I will pass it on and see if we find a connection there.
  • Pam Nixon

    The doXtop app was a very easy way to add my family history .pdf files to my page making them viewable to others. Very user friendly too.
  • Deborah Leucretia Hund

    I haven't used it for anything yet, but it sounded like something I might find useful in the future. I'll let you know when I do use it what my impressions of it are.