Catherine Lively

39, Female

Orange City, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Germany, England, Scotland, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Tennesee, Indiana, Ohio
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Annette Bost

    Catherine, would love to share/swap info with you. My oldest known Lively ancestor was Joseph LIVELY, 1840-50 Abbeville SC. Haven't definitely gone back further than him but I do have a copy of the Livelys of America book to help me with the LIVELYs. Hope to hear from you soon. LOVE the family pics you posted!


  • Michae L. Lively

    Hi there I've been looking into the family for the past 8 yrs or so. They're many different groups of Lively's. My family is now mostly in the Arizona and California area. They're a lot of Lively's in MI TX GA TN NC. If your on facebook you should me up and NALF it's a group of Lively's you just might find some cousins.

  • stephanie m. goff

    My husband's last name is Goff his family is from Houston and lousianna

  • Cheri Goff

    My Goff ancestors originate from New England area, and my direct line stays there until my Grandfather, who ended up in California. In research I have found branches that gradually floated west from there. :) How far back is your WV relatives?

  • Diane Treadway

    Hi, there probably are Treadways in WV.  Our branch started in Maryland, migrated through Ohio, Indiana, to Illinois, and beyond (Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, etc.).  I live in Tennessee, now, and there are a lot of Treadways here, Virginia, and North Carolina and other Southern states too.