Anita Payne


Melbourne, Victoria


Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Davie, Scotland
Dacre, England
Goode, England
Franzke, Poland
Panitzki, Poland/Germany
Payne, Tasmania from Engand
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Australia, Scotland, England, Ireland, Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
I have been researching my own family for most of my life, my grandparents introducted me to it when I was 6yrs old. The fact that I'm now 60 so it's been a lifetime, I love the research, love working with census and looking beyond just the dates but looking into the addresses and trying to find what they look like today. Is the home still standing. I also have a great love of cemeteries and photographing graves.
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:

  • William David Moore

    Anita I have been at this now for nearly 20 years and have been struggling along alone as I am a invalid pensioner and most of my family are in the UK except for the Keast who came from Cornwall and most settled around Bendigo
  • William David Moore

    Never got to Cornwall as we left England when I was 10 in 1951 and I have not been back and now that is out of the question because of my disabilities. I love Robe as we live 6km out of the town and it is quiet and peaceful and the people in Robe are very friendly and caring. I had my transplant in Melbourne in the Alfred in 1996 and due to Ann's hobby (Showing Beagles) we do a fair bit of traveling
  • Christopher John Moscrop

    Hi Anita- I have seen your request, do you think we have a link? Chris
  • Christine Charles

    Im Christine from Melbourne.Like you I'm addicted too
  • Pamela .McDonald

    Hi I'm Pam from Perth.
    About 3 months ago started up Clan Donald W.A. for the first time since the early 1900's. This is very exciting. Anyone out there who has links to Clan Donald I would love to hear from you. We have approx 30 members so far.And they are still coming. Our main aim is researching and keeping our Scottish heritage alive.
  • Pamela .McDonald

    Hi Anita,
    Thank you. Jan's husband Norman is my cousin. He is also the High Commissioner for Clan Donald Australia. I am originally from Melbourne.
    I would really like to thank Clan Donald N.S.W. & S.A. for the huge amount of support that they have given to me since I began Clan Donald W.A. In 2011 I will be in Scotland. Can't wait.
  • Christopher John Moscrop

    no probs happy to keep in touch.c
  • Glenda James

    Hi Anita,
    no idea if this is one of yours,so here goes.Found this on my Glasow deaths1855 disc.
    James Davie,Lucifer Match Maker.Male 39years born London.Died march 6 1855 at Royal Infirmary Glasgow.brought from Towns Hospital Glasgow.Died of phthsis & diahrrea.ill 6 weeks as certified by the warden.Signed James Brown Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Thought he may be connected.
  • Jan Westcott

    Hi Anita. Have had my interest in genealogy rekindled having been told I've got another convict to research. My scrapbooking is also benefiting but haven't been doing heritage pages.
  • Sherry Hightower

    Thanks for the very nice note this morning. Hope you have a really fantastic day!
  • Glenda James

    Hi Anita,
    Thanks for your lovely email.Now l need to ask aquestion,
    My sister Pam Macdonald has started up Clan Donald WA, they are in the process of setting up the web page, can Pam have your permission to add genealogy wise as a
    link please. l know l am the other side of the country but have offered to help her out when ever l can. l do hope this doesn't come back to bite me :-))). l have absolutely enjoyed this site since joining.Mainly being able to help others break down their brickwalls,that is a real plus.
    Thanks again Anita ,l will wait to hear your decision.
    Many thanks& Regards to you all