



Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Allen Allner Anderson Aspinall Ball Blake Bowe Brooksbank Broscomb Cairns Clarke Clegg Clough Coats Connolly Crabtree Crigan/Cligan Curry D'arcy Duncan Douglas Durrans Elms Eyers Fenton Gillespie Gleeson Gowans Hamshere Hartley Hayward Homer Hume Jones Kealy Lockett Lord Machell Magick Martin Maxwell Mccrone McDermid Midgley Mitchell Molloy Moore Munro Nelson Parkinson Phipps Pope Purvis Pusell Rogers Royds Ryan Scot Scott Sharrocks Sibbald Symonds Tierney Tucker Wade Waldie Westbrook Whitworth
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Australia England Scotland Ireland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:

  • Leith Toll

    do you mean a Toll group or soemthing more general?
  • Vicki Reedy

    Glad to join in this group. Thanks for creating it. I look forward to much enjoyment
  • Leith Toll

    i really like your site - am very happy to join
  • Gordon Chatfield

    Hi,would be delighted and thanks for the invite.
  • Delveen Kerr

    Thanks for the invite, I have added myself to it...!!!
  • Carole Riley

  • Jan Donoghue

    Thanks for the invite, but I have no Australian connections, as I am the first generation Australian to come here and therefore my background is English, Irish & Danish. But I will join anyway as there will be other contacts. Thanks
  • Roy Victor Cruwys

    Thank you for your invite to join you. I am first generation Australian and all my ancestor are in England. So I think I will pass on the invite for now.
  • Liz Pidgeon

    Thanks for the invitation. How did you find me so quickly? Just joined today and exploring all that is on offer.
  • Peter Beck

    Many thanks. I am still finding my way around the site. I will join.