Italian Records

This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for Italian Records from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.

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  • Cheryl Levy PLCGS

    New Director of Italian Studies
    Welcome Melanie Holtz to our Faculty Team as the Director of Italian Studies. She will be hosting our Italian Virtual Meetings, as well as updating our Italian Records packages and adding new Italian course material. We invite our students and followers to give her a hardy: “WELCOME!”


  • Brian Charles Maclachlan

    Thanks Cheryl and welcome Melanie. I look forward to any new Italian courses you can arrange as they may help me with a brick wall I have for a Fillipo Rossini born somewhere in Como in 1795. My advice a few years ago was to spend three years in Como going through about 400 parishes if I couldn’t identify the village he lived in. He migrated to Scotland in the 1810s and married Martha Abercrombie in 1819. He died in Gartnaval Mental Asylum in 1849 after being diagnosed as mentally insane. I now have copies of his medical case records which show he was simply an epileptic having mainly grand Mal seizures. Today he would simply get a tablet or two.

    maybe Cheryl I should buy a 4 course package with the current discount if Melanie is likely to have any new courses up and running in the near future?




  • Cheryl Levy PLCGS

    Yes. Good idea, Brian. Take advantage of the current 10% off packages! We are excited that Melanie will be working to complete the outstanding Italian courses for the certificate. :)
