First Timer FAQs

This group is for new students taking courses from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies. Helpful FAQs will be provided. Ask any question you may have.

  • Melanie Romer Noel

    Hi! I'm fairly new to GenealogyWise. I do have a question regarding the certificates available through the National Institute of Genealogical Studies. 


    How does one decide which certificate to take? Is any one better than another? I have been taking some English record related courses, but I also have a few general methodology courses under my belt. Do I continue in the English records stream and opt for the English Records Certificate? Or do I try something else?


    Would this comment have been better suited to a discussion thread instead?





  • Gena Philibert Ortega

    Hi Melanie!


    Really, it depends on what your goal is in determining what certificate to pursue. If you plan on concentrating on English research than you probably would want to pursue the English Records certificate. Doing that does not stop you from taking courses in other areas, like American Records for example. It just means that the majority of your courses focus on English Records.

    There is no certificate that is "better" than another.  It all depends on what your interests and genealogy goals are. If you decide to change and go for a different certificate, that is fine to do.You might want to look at the courses you are interested in taking and make your decision based on that.


    Gena Philibert-Ortega

    Director, Genealogy Services

    National Institute for Genealogical Studies

  • Melanie Romer Noel

    Hi Gena,


    Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question and I hope you won't mind a further question. Is there a time frame in which all of the courses towards a certificate must be completed?


    Thanks again,



  • Gena Philibert Ortega

    Good morning Melanie!


    Please ask away! That's what this group is for.  You can complete the certificate at your own pace. For some people that has meant doing it in as little as a year and for others they take more than a year.  We have even had students take as long as 10 years. It's at your own pace, that way it fits in with what's going on in your life.



  • Cohen Hill Swiney

    I just enrolled in the American Records Certificate Program and will be starting my first classes in October.  I am waiting on all the printed materials and textbooks to arrive.  I look forward to the challenges ahead.  No questions yet..................
  • Gena Philibert Ortega

    Welcome Cohen!  Feel free to post anytime you do have a question.
  • Cathy Armstrong

    I am nearing the end of the Social Media For the Wise Genealogist course and noticed that there was an amendment to the course materials in module 1.  I have attempted to download the notes without success.  Any suggestions?
  • Cathy Armstrong

    Figured it out.....I was using google and switched to explorer and I was able to download the amendment.  All is well......
  • Gena Philibert Ortega


    Thanks for letting me know. I will find out of there is a browser problem with those downloads so we can let other students know.



  • Bev Diaz

    Is there a post somewhere of the recommended order of courses, both for prerequisite purposes for the compulsory courses, and guidance with the elective courses? I know we don't HAVE to do it any particular way, but it would help plan to see something that says "think about doing x and y before taking z class".

    I do know that when I tried to sign up for "Skills: Transcribing, Abstracting & Extracting" the page mentioned you should have taken Met 1 and Met 2 first. However, I'm referring to some kind of master list or flowchart. Or even just a list of which electives are Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced level courses, without having to click through every course offered. 

    Also, I was reading the posts in the NIGS FB group and someone further along than I mentioned it's better to take Analysis & Skills Courses at the end of the level. That's the kind of stuff I would like to know about.


    (((Cross-posted in "American Records".)))

  • Jessica Vanysseldyk

    I have been completing the Social Media Tools for the Wise Genealogist, and am wondering if I have a general suggestion for courses, would I suggest it on the Student Suggestions & Recommendations section?

  • Chelsea Sweetin

    Hi, Happy to meet other students. I joined this group since I just started taking a few classes. I would like to know what percentage is awarded to the homework for each module and the final exam to then give a final score. Thanks

  • Cheryl Levy PLCGS

    Welcome Alana!