German Records

This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for German Records from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.


  • Kimberly Nagy


    I just completed my basic level coursework for American Records.  I am thinking about taking some of the German records courses as electives toward my PLGCS in American Records since I have a lot of germanic ancestry.

  • Grace Wickenheiser

    Greetings - As way of introducing myself here goes,

    I have completed the Basic level German Courses and started into the Intermediate Level many years ago then my life got busy and doing courses took second priority. I am now getting back into things again by taking the Social Media for the Wise Genealogist. Most of my ancestors came from German speaking areas so that is why my interest in this group as well.

    I am searching for Quehls in Canada mostly but know some Wickenheiser stuff but have not really started to search that. I also have done some work on my Mother's lineage - Schell. I am presently working on the only non German line I have which is Scottish - McLennan.

  • Jane Webb

    It is Saturday afternoon, the wind is howling and the temperature outside is hovering at 5 degrees below 0 ... I am learning to decipher Meyers Gazeteer's abbreviations and all that goes with this basic assignment.  It is exciting and overwhelming ... just saying!


  • Jennie Fairs

    Hi, I'm currently doing the Social Media Tools for the Wise Genealogist and as part of the course I needed to join one of the Groups at GenealogyWise. I've chosen the German Research group because I have German ancestry and will probably undertake a course for researching them.

    My ancestors were named Eschbach and were from Rauenthal.

  • Angela Loranger-Money

    I ave ancesters from the Penzlin and Gross Flotow, Mecklenberg area of Germany.  Surnames: Laartz and Schultz.

  • Lynn Funk, PLCGS

    I'm taking the class Social Media Tools for the Wise Genealogist and one of the assignments was to join a group on GenealogyWise.  Since I have German ancestors I decided to join this group.