Tidbury Genealogy

A group for anyone with an interest in the surname Tidbury.
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  • Debbie Kennett

    Hi Monique, Yes I do remember corresponding with your cousin. From what I recall our Tidbury lines do converge but only back in the 1700s so we probably wouldn't expect to share enough DNA to show up as a match. I'd love to get some Y-DNA testing done on some Tidburys but I don't have any males to test in my line.

  • Monique Amor

    Hi Debbie, that's a shame, I don't know any Tidbury males either.  I love DNA - it has revealed some very big secrets in my family - I wish everyone would test! 

  • Debbie Kennett

    I hope everyone will test too! DNA testing is starting to go mainstream now. It does help that the cost of testing has come down in price so much.