Illinois Genealogy

researching ancestors in Illinois

Earliest Illinois Records

Looking for a record in Illinois? Record keeping, that is birth and death certificates, was encouraged but not mandated until 1916. For a list of the earliest records in Illinois courthouse go here:

Note that "earliest" and "complete" are nowhere near the same. I note that in rural counties if they were born or died in the summer there is more likely to be a record prior to 1916.
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    Gwen Hobbs

    Thanks for this, Cheryl! I do a lot of Illinois research online and, somehow, missed this link.
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      Karen Rhodes

      My great-great grandfather Oscar Merry Packard and great-great grandmother Augusta Hetherington were married in McLean County (Bloomington) in 1871. I wish they had waited a year. In 1871, all that was recorded was the bride and groom's names and the date. The county began recording a lot more information -- in 1872!