Genealogy Tips and Links

This group was created for anyone who would like to add a link , or a tip for anything to do with genealogy. I really would like to get as many free tips , or sites as we could. However, I know there are some great pay sites out there for research.

Check out your local public library

you never know what they may have to offer, perhaps Ancestry - try before you subscribe
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    Paul Drake

    Surely, you should check,, and go to the homesites for the counties you need. Ancestry is fine, as far as it goes, but remember that you will find likely less than 5% of the total sources available for your searches. has far more info,

    Plain old county searches will serve you best in the long run of it all. Example: Google,{Madison County OH cemeteries free}. Then try any one of your counties.

    There are literally millions of records that no pay-for site will supply now or at any time in the near future. .

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      Aleta Alene Carroll Krauss

      I find libraries to be a great source of information. I found books on family relatives in GoogleBooks. Some of them couldn't be downloaded, but I took the information to my small local library and they did interlibrary loan requests for me. I was advised initially that most of them may not come in, but my librarian was actually able to get 3/4 of them. Totally awesome. I also visited my father's family home location in MS and their small library actually had a large area set aside for genealogical research. I found a lot of supporting documentation including records left by family members and was able to complete my DAR application. My university library has a lot of active subscriptions and various documentation for family resources. Love the library, support your library!!!!! :)