Writing Genealogy and Family History

This group is for those who of us who are interested in writing out our genealogies and family histories for ourselves and/or others, in any form.

Help with writing format basics

There are several interesting and helpful discussions, but none seem to deal with my neeeds.

I have a couple of very basic questions - What style and size font do you use. I will be putting the information of a disk and the family can print out the parts they want. I am using word and doing the formatting and aranging myself.

I have heard that Century Gothic uses the least amount of ink -which is good for printing at home. The others I am looking at are Times New Roman and Ariel. either 10 or 12 point.

On the disk - how do you get the "chapters"to be in the order you want them.
Is there a way to set it up so the whole"book" can be printed at one time, or doing it your self is it only possible to print each doc file separately. I have each family as a doc in it's own file folder. The maps, census and pictures are on individual graphic pages.

I have the information and most of it is written up, I need help in formating it to give to others.
Thanks for the help.


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    Kate Wagner

    The standard for submitting manuscripts for publication would be 10 or 12 point Courier or Times Roman, double-spaced. I would set the leading to 120% of the font size. San-serif fonts such as Ariel or Helvetica are not as easy to read as a Serif font such as Times Roman.  As for getting the chapters to line up in order on the disk? That would be a problem.  Perhaps, you can set it your table of contents as internal hyperlinks pointing to the location of the chapter in the directory. Not sure about the print whole document command as that would go into the programming.  Of course, the best solution would probably be to publish the entire book in Adobe Acrobat...hmmm...

    I know I am a bit late in finding this group but it looks like you all have been discussing a topic that has come to the forefront of my own goals at this time.  


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      Well!!, I finally "finished", at least I am taking a break on a family history book for my stepgranddaughter. This has been a long and time consuming project. I know I broke all the standard rules in how it should be done but tried to do it in a way that I hope she will be able to understand and enjoy.

      The first section is a narative with pictures of some of the key and most interesting people. Next is a full report printout from FTM. Then a section of maps and list of people and where they lived. Ending with a spread sheet with all the names involved - when/where born, when/where died, when/where/who married. I put it into a 3 ring note book.  I also did a full ancestor chart that came out 36 X 42. I hope she enjoys it.