Harrington Family

This group is for those researching the Harrington surname.

Harrington - Mitchelstown - Powerstown

A collection of old Photographs from Mitchelstown and Powerstown

  • up

    Niamh Harrington Blake

    Tom! Hello from another Mitchelstown Harrington descendant! I live in Dublin and started looking into the family history about three years ago. It has been so difficult to find other Harringtons from this area. I met up with another couple of Harringtons only on Saturday last and spent the day in Mitchelstown and Skeheen. They had photos and so I recognise a couple of people from your fantastic video. I have collected lots of records, and would be delighted to share them with you, and I'd really appreciate if you wouldn't mind sharing some of your photos with me as I've had nothing until now, and I'm so keen to find resemblances, and learn about who is who. I'm actually just in the door from looking up more parish records at the National Library.
    I'd love for you to get in touch please! My email is niamh_blake@yahoo.com
