Writing Genealogy and Family History

This group is for those who of us who are interested in writing out our genealogies and family histories for ourselves and/or others, in any form.

My Mother's Memoirs - annotation, consolidation of diaries

My mother wrote constantly.  When she wasn't writing letters she  wrote diaries, and when she wasn't writing diaries, she wrote memoirs.  In fact, I have come across 4 different memoirs, from 4 to 30 pages long, with much overlap.  The fascinating thing is that each time she told the same story, she told it from another point of view, with a different emphasis, thus adding more and more detail every time.

The question is, how to write this up.  I have already transcribed her writings verbatim (from handwriting to computer documents), for surely they must be preserved just as she wrote them as source material. 

But there are factual errors, wrong sequences, wrong dates -- verifiable -- that I would like to correct.  There is too-chatty style that I would like to change.  And there is historical context that I would like to add.

In short, I need some "rules" to follow in telling my mother's story.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
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    Catherine Davis

    Two possible ideas, with opposite points of view: 1) publish what your mother wrote, just as she wrote it, with annotations in the margins, or as footnotes, indicating where documented data varies from her remembrances. 2) write your own family history, from your viewpoint rather than hers, but liberally quote her work, describing how what she wrote put you on your own quest.