Genealogy Wise

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I am trying to do research on my family. Originally the name was Hellenthal and now is Helmintoller or Helmantoler. If anyone could assist me I would appreciate it.

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It would be helpful to know what research you've already done, so we don't duplicate your efforts.
All I have is a name of Johann Hellenthal who is suppose to be Michael Helmantel's father and that is all.
also I only have a birth year 1725 in St Ingbert, Germany
Have you tried going to and entering the names and time frames? This is the website of the Family History Library of the Mormon Church.
I'm assuming from your comments that you have information on the family between you and Johann Hellenthal, and you are stuck from him backwards. You would need the church records for Sankt Ingbert for 1725 and earlier. From the LDS catalog, it does not look like these early years have been microfilmed by the LDS, which might mean the records no longer exist. To find out, you may have to write to either or both the Catholische and Evangelische churces in Sankt Ingbert, depending on whether you know the family's religion.



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